
Showing posts from March, 2018
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African Street Food | Fresh Grilled Gingered Corn

African Street Food Fresh Grilled Gingered Corn African Street Food Fresh Grilled Gingered Corn African Recipes by African Gourmet   Add African zest to your grilled corn this summer with this fresh gingered corn African street food recipe. It is common to find roasted corn or maize grilling on coals on the streets and in the markets of many African countries.  Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 20 min Total time: 30 min Ingredients 4 ears of fresh sweet corn, shucked 1 bunch green onions, chopped 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon butter ¼ tsp salt Directions Place corn husks directly on medium heat grill and roast for 20 minutes or until corn is soft. Cool for 5 minutes then peel down the husks and use as a handle when eating. Rub the ears of corn with butter and sprinkle with green onions, ginger, cinnamon, and salt and enjoy. Corn is used in a variety of ways in African cooking. Simp...

Ghana and Oil

Drilling off the southernmost tip of Ghana, Cape Three Points, are producing many rich gas and oil fields off Ghana’s coast. Oil drums in Africa The African continent is home to five of the top 30 oil producing countries in the world and Ghana offshore gas and oil drilling in the Tano Basin is the new hot spot. Ghana is a former British colony located on the south side of West Africa between Côte d'Ivoire and Togo. In 1957, it became the first country in Africa below the Saharan desert given independence. Its coastline, formerly called the Gold Coast, extends for about 335 miles or 540 km on the Gulf of Guinea. Offshore gas and oil fields off Ghana’s Southernmost tip, Cape Three Points In 2005, off the West Cape Three Points Block, Kosmos executed a 3D seismic survey over a portion of the block and unlocked the Tano Basin petroleum system with the Jubilee oil field in 2007. The Jubilee oil field is currently producing approximately 104,000 barrels per day. The field’...

Mozambique Crab Coconut Curry Recipe

Mozambique crab coconut curry is made of fresh crab, coconut and peanuts, staples in Mozambique coastal cooking. Make Easy Mozambique Crab Coconut Curry Recipe Serves 4 Total time from start to finish 55 minutes Ingredients 1/4 pound fresh crabmeat  1 large onion diced 2 large tomatoes chopped   2 garlic cloves crushed   1 small fresh ginger grated   3 tablespoons good quality curry powder   1 teaspoon ground turmeric   1 hot pepper diced   2 tablespoons smooth peanut butter   1/3 cup coconut milk   1/2 teaspoon sea salt   1/2 teaspoon black pepper   2 tablespoons olive oil Directions Heat the oil in a large pan and fry onion and spices for about 2 minutes. Add tomatoes, peanut butter and coconut milk simmer 20 minutes or until slightly thick. Add crabmeat. Serve with rice. Coasts of Mozambique food, fishing, and people Three large populations clusters are found al...

African stories help us make meaning of our lives with the unseen

African folktales are a cherished African oral storytelling tradition. African Folktale storytelling is the basis for everything in world society; the way we think, interact, live, love, communicate, and dream all derives from African Folklore storytelling. African stories help us make meaning of our lives with the unseen. As the ancestors say the thunder and lightning lived on the earth amongst all the other people, but the king made them live at the far end of the town, as far as possible from other people's houses. The thunder was an old mother sheep, and the lightning was her son, a ram. Whenever the ram got angry he used to go about and burn houses and knock down trees; he even did damage on the farms, and sometimes killed people. Whenever the lightning did these things, his mother used to call out to him in a very loud voice to stop and not to do any more damage; but the lightning did not care in the least for what his mother said, and when he was in a bad temper...

You need to know about Ghana Ashanti history

Ashanti is an administrative region in Ghana centrally located in the middle belt of Ghana. Most of the region's inhabitants are Ashanti people, one of Ghana's major ethnic groups.  The main language spoken in the Ashanti region is Twi (pronounced tree). At the height of its power and glory, the influence and culture of the Ashanti Kingdom stretched beyond the borders of present-day Ghana. The Ashanti were able to preserve what was best in Akan culture, including using gold dust as currency and gold weights as a measure. The Ashanti people make up the largest of the subgroups of the Akan, who trace their origins partly to Bono-Manso and Techiman in the present-day Brong Ahafo Region. Ashanti constitutes 14.8 percent of all Ghanaians by birth and 30.1 percent of the total Akan population of 8.5 million in the country.  Ashanti people started with a nucleus of the Oyoko clan around Asantemanso. After several years of subjugation by other empires, such as the Akwamu and the Den...

Unique African Bread Recipe Injera Bread

Making Injera bread is a unique bread recipe art. At the very core, Injera bread requires simple ingredients flour, salt, water, and time. Injera is traditionally eaten in the African countries of Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, and Eritrea. History of African food is traditional and foreign since African food recipes like the unique bread recipe injera bread is influenced by colonialists. Injera pronounced In-jer-ruh is a classic East African bread recipe eaten with many African food recipes. Injera is a flatbread with a unique, spongy texture that is made from teff flour. Teff flour is light whole grain flour you can substitute whole wheat flour in the recipe but the taste will be different. The taste and texture on injera, however, are quite unique and unlike the crepe. Injera bread is thicker than a crepe but thinner than a pancake. Injera is eaten daily in all most every in Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, and Eritrea family households. Injera Bread Recipe Unique Africa...

Best Lamb Recipe from Around Africa

African lamb recipes using a tagine is best served with warm couscous, pita or flatbread.  Our lamb recipe tagine is primarily used to slow cook stews and vegetable dishes. Because the domed or cone-shaped lid of the tagine traps steam and returns the condensed liquid to the pot, a minimal amount of water is needed when cooking. Use a stew pot instead of a tagine for this lamb recipe just add an extra 1 cup of broth to the recipe. Slow Roasted North African Lamb Recipe Using a Tagine. Ingredients 2 pounds lamb cut into 2-inch chunks 2 cups cooked chickpeas 2 large onions, chopped 3 cloves garlic, crushed 2 cups tomato juice 2 large chopped tomatoes 4 ounce dried apricots, cut in half 2-ounce dates, cut in half 2-ounce raisins 3 ounce flaked almonds 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1½ tablespoon paprika 1½ tablespoon ground ginger 1 tablespoon turmeric 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon saffron 1 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoon coriand...

What to make with groundnuts and peanut butter

There are many different versions of peanut butter stew in Africa Make three easy recipes with the African Gourmet today, Chicken Peanut Butter Stew, Vegetarian Groundnut Soup, and Homemade Groundnut Butter Recipes. If you are concerned about the taste of peanuts overpowering your dish, do not worry, as peanuts absorb the flavor of the ingredients it is surrounded by. Chicken Peanut Butter Stew Chicken Peanut Butter Stew African groundnut stew recipe with chicken; peanut butter adds richness and complexity to this delicious African food recipe. Prep time: 20 min Cook time: 20 min Total time: 40 min Ingredients 2 large chicken breasts, chopped 1 medium sliced onion 1 medium chopped green pepper2 cups whole kernel corn 1 cup smooth peanut butter 3 cups chicken broth 2 cups baby carrots 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon red pepper flake 1 tablespoon tomato paste Salt to taste Directions Boil chicken in 2 1/2 cups of chicken broth in a large pot for 10 mi...

African Proverbs For Your Leadership Spirit

African Proverbs For Your Leadership Spirit African Proverbs on setting a good leadership example for others to follow motivates and inspires us to be our best at leadership, teamwork, and creating successful lives. African proverbs to help you remember that a happy life is up to you; and even when trouble comes your way, what is important is not the problem, but how you respond as a leader. You cannot deny the simple beauty and power of an African Proverb. What does leadership learning through African proverbs mean? A leader is someone who sets the direction and influences people to follow that direction. There are numerous African proverbs about leadership and about carrying out the role of the leader. Leaders carry out their roles in a wide variety of styles. African history is composed largely of accounts of the exploits of people who have left their marks, good and evil. These leaders stand out as persons who used African proverb characteristics of ...

Red African Roses Growing in Kenya

Red African Roses Growing in Kenya. The production of a diverse range of rose cultivars in Kenya has contributed to its position as the largest exporter of roses in the world. Kenya is the world's largest exporter of roses, and the country produces a wide variety of rose cultivars such as Hybrid tea roses, these roses are known for their large, full blooms and their long vase life. They are a popular choice for cut flowers.  Floribunda roses are known for their clusters of small, colorful blooms. They are a popular choice for landscaping and for cut flowers. Grandiflora roses are a cross between hybrid tea roses and floribunda roses. They have the large blooms of hybrid tea roses and the abundance of blooms of floribunda roses. Polyantha roses are known for their small, bushy growth habit and their clusters of small, colorful blooms. They are a popular choice for landscaping and for cut flowers. Miniature roses are small, compact plants that produce clusters of small, colorful bl...

Acacia Tree The Coolest Tree in Africa

The Acacia tree in Africa is known as desert gold and is well-known iconic symbols on the southern and eastern African savannas. The acacia tree is on the African savanna provides desert gold aka gum arabic for the world baking and soft drink industry. Gum arabic is used in many foods as an ingredient for thickening and emulsifing baking and popular soft drink ingredients. The flavor of powder dry gum arabic is a neutral flavor, tasteless, and odorless. Acacia Tree  at sunset in Tanzania Africa Acacia trees in the African Savanna The acacia tree in Africa also known as desert gold, are well-known landmarks on the southern and eastern African savanna. There are over 1,300 species of Acacia worldwide, primarily in Africa and Australia.  Acacias are highly drought-resistant; therefore, thrive in harsh dry environments due to their tolerance to water scarcity. Acacias are also referred to as thorn trees; some have long straight thorns while others have hook-shaped on...

Four Foreign Based Libya Terrorist Groups

Four Foreign Based Libya Terrorist Groups Foreign Terrorist Organization is a designation for non-United States-based organizations deemed by the United States Secretary of State, in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, to be involved in what US authorities define as terrorist activities. Libya has a population of 6.9 million with over 90 percent of the population living along the Mediterranean coast, the capital Tripoli to the west and Misratah and Benghazi. Around 91 percent of the country is desert or semi desert due to the Sahara desert. Due to the vastness of the Sahara desert and the fact that only 9 percent of the land in Libya is arable meaning the land is capable of being ploughed and used for farming crops. Libya's concentrated population and its proximity to southern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea makes it attractive to terrorists and fuel animosity toward Sub-Saharan African migrants. Unrelenting fightin...

Three Most Common Freshwater Fish in Africa

Sardine, Tilapia and Nile Perch Three Most Common Freshwater Fish in Africa Africa super fish the sardine, tilapia and Nile perch are the three most common freshwater fish in Africa. Fish is truly nature’s superfood as it contains most of the nutrients you need to lead a healthy life and is a good source of protein, minerals and vitamins. Sardine, Tilapia and Nile Perch Three Most Common Freshwater Fish in Africa Fish have been on the earth for more than 450 million years. African Freshwater Sardines, Nile Perch and Tilapia Fish Freshwater Sardines ·         The freshwater sardine is a small silvery fish with a strong taste that is usually sun dried and eaten whole. ·         Sardines contain Omega-3, Vitamin D, selenium, B12 and many other nutrients that make them beneficial for reducing inflammation and protecting cells. ·         Sardines pro...

African Studies

African Studies
African Culture and traditions