African Proverbs For Your Leadership Spirit
African Proverbs on setting a good leadership example for others to follow motivates and inspires us to be our best at leadership, teamwork, and creating successful lives.
African proverbs to help you remember that a happy life is up to you; and even when trouble comes your way, what is important is not the problem, but how you respond as a leader.
You cannot deny the simple beauty and power of an African Proverb.
What does leadership learning through African proverbs mean?
A leader is someone who sets the direction and influences people to follow that direction. There are numerous African proverbs about leadership and about carrying out the role of the leader. Leaders carry out their roles in a wide variety of styles.
African history is composed largely of accounts of the exploits of people who have left their marks, good and evil. These leaders stand out as persons who used African proverb characteristics of leadership and through their activities affected the course of African and world history.
Leadership style is influenced by the individual's beliefs, values, and assumptions, as well as the organizational culture and the situation. African proverbs communicate a sense of where the leader of an organization will be over the long term.