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Rose Water Simple Syrup

Rose honey syrup is a sweet and fragrant syrup made with honey and rose petals. 

Rose honey syrup is a popular ingredient in cocktails, desserts, and other sweet treats. Rose honey syrup is also known for its health benefits. It is a good source of antioxidants and can help to boost the immune system.

Honey is valued in Africa as food, medicine and as an important economic activity. The color and flavor of honey vary depending on the bees nectar source lighter colored honeys are mild in flavor, while darker honeys are usually more robust in flavor.

Across the African continent, there are many ways of preparing African Rose Honey Syrup. Some recipes call for the use of fresh rose petals, while others call for the use of dried rose petals. Some recipes also call for the addition of other ingredients, such as lemon juice, ginger, or cinnamon.

Kenya is world famous for its cut flower farms especially the roses, one of the main growing areas is around Lake Naivasha. Floriculture pioneer Oserian Farms was founded in 1982 and was the first flower farm on Lake Naivasha. Oserian Farms is part of Oserengoni Wildlife Sanctuary, a privately owned, 18,000 acre, flora and fauna paradise that is home to a diversity of wildlife.

Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake in the Rift Valley of Kenya. It is the second-largest lake in Kenya after Lake Victoria, and it is a popular tourist destination. The lake is also home to a thriving flower industry, and it is the largest producer of roses in Kenya.

The first roses were planted in Lake Naivasha in the 1970s, and the industry has grown rapidly since then. Today, there are over 200 flower farms in the area, and they produce over 100 million roses per year. The roses are exported to Europe, the United States, and other parts of the world.

The flower industry has had a positive impact on the local economy. It has created jobs, boosted tourism, and increased tax revenue. However, the industry has also had some negative impacts on the environment. The flower farms use a lot of water, and they have contributed to the decline of the lake's water levels.

The government of Kenya is working to address the environmental impacts of the flower industry. They are developing plans to conserve water and to reduce pollution. They are also working to promote sustainable practices among the flower farmers.

The future of the Lake Naivasha rose industry is uncertain. The industry is facing a number of challenges, including rising costs, competition from other countries, and environmental concerns. However, the industry is also resilient, and it is likely to continue to play an important role in the local economy.

How to make Rose Water Simple Syrup. 

Kenya is world famous for its cut flower farms especially the roses

Rose honey syrup is a sweet and fragrant syrup made with honey and rose petals. It is a popular ingredient in cocktails, desserts, and other sweet treats. Rose honey syrup is also known for its health benefits. It is a good source of antioxidants and can help to boost the immune system.

Honey is valued in Africa as food, medicine and as an important economic activity. The color and flavor of honey vary depending on the bees nectar source lighter colored honeys are mild in flavor, while darker honeys are usually more robust in flavor.

Across the African continent, there are many ways of preparing African Rose Honey Syrup. Rose honey syrup can be used in a variety of ways. It can be added to cocktails, desserts, and other sweet treats. It can also be used to make tea or lemonade. Rose honey syrup is a versatile and delicious ingredient that can add a touch of sweetness and fragrance to any dish.

Rose Water Honey Syrup Recipe

¼ Cup Light Colored Honey
Petals from Two Sweet Smelling Roses
4 Cups Water

In a large pot simmer water and rose petals on medium-low 15 minutes, remove from heat let sit for 2-24 hours. The longer the mixture sits the stronger the infusion of roses. Filter out rose petals and mix the rose water with honey until mixture is the consistency of syrup. Use African Rose Honey Syrup as a sweetener for teas, oatmeal, pancakes, ice cream and anything else you can pour honey over.

Rose honey syrup is a versatile and delicious ingredient that can add a touch of sweetness and fragrance to any dish. It is a popular ingredient in cocktails, desserts, and other sweet treats. It can also be used to make tea or lemonade. Rose honey syrup is a healthy and delicious way to add sweetness to your food and drinks.

However, honey should be consumed in moderation as it is high in sugar and calories. It should also be avoided by infants under 1 year old as it can cause a serious condition called infant botulism. Some people may also be allergic or sensitive to honey or its components.

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