African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Red Faced Liar African Folktale

The story’s main lesson is the importance of honesty and the aftermath of deceit. Obezi’s habit of lying harmed those in her village, ultimately leading to a curse being cast upon her.

The curse, which made her skin turn red every time she lied, was a visual reminder of the harm her lies caused. Through the curse, Obezi learned the importance of telling the truth and how her lies affected others. By the end of the story, Obezi’s redemption comes through her decision to change her ways and become honest. 

This shows that even when someone has made mistakes, it is never too late to change and become a better person. The story also highlights the importance of forgiveness and the power of second chances.

Woman with bright red skin wearing an African headwrap

Red-Faced Liar African Folktale.

Long ago, in a time before written words, nestled on the river banks in Liberia, there resided a woman named Obezi. Obezi was renowned throughout the community for her astonishing ability to weave elaborate tales out of thin air. Her lies knew no bounds, ranging from exaggerated accounts of the size of the fish she supposedly caught to whimsical fabrications about the color of the sky. Such was the frequency and boldness of her falsehoods that people had ceased taking her seriously and avoided her company altogether.

However, one fateful day, Obezi took her deceitful nature to new heights by creating.Aa particularly hurtful lie that significantly harmed an innocent soul. This transgression pushed the village elders to their breaking point, fed up with Obezi’s incessant lies and deceit. Determined to teach her a lasting lesson, they gathered under the ancient Baobab tree and invoked the spirits of the land, begging them to intervene and guide Obezi onto a path of truth.

The curse imposed upon Obezi was as brilliant as it was straightforward: whenever she told a lie, her skin would transform by gradually turning as red as a luscious, ripe tomato. The villagers found this fitting and entertaining, and before long, Obezi had unwittingly become the subject of their ridicule.

Initially consumed by anger and resentment, Obezi flat-out refused to accept that her lies were the root cause of her misfortune. She clung to her self-delusions, stubbornly believing that the curse was nothing more than a malicious trick. However, as the days and weeks went on, she could no longer deny the truth that lay before her. She began to witness firsthand the pain and suffering her lies had inflicted upon others, and she realized the depth of the unnecessary trouble she had brought upon herself and her village.

With a newfound clarity for truth-telling, Obezi resolved to change her ways and embrace a life of unwavering honesty, regardless of its difficulties. As she bravely started speaking the truth, no matter how challenging, a miraculous transformation occurred. Her crimson-tinged skin gradually faded, regaining its original warm and gentle brown hue. The villagers, observing this profound change, were moved by her sincere efforts and began to forgive her past lies. She was welcomed warmly and treated with the respect she had been longing for.

After learning a painful lesson, Obezi emerged from a trail of lies as a transformed woman committed to telling the truth. Grateful for the second chance given to her, she utilized her newfound commitment to honesty to serve and assist her villagers. Her words became a beacon of trust, and she soon earned the community’s respect as a reliable and dedicated member.

The village elders, witnessing the profound metamorphosis that had taken place within Obezi, felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Their intention had been for Obezi to understand the consequences of her lies and grow from the experience, and in that regard, they had succeeded beyond measure. Obezi, in turn, expressed her profound gratitude for the opportunity to change her ways and dedicate herself to the betterment of her village community.

And so, what had initially appeared as a curse designed to punish Obezi for her lying ultimately proved to be a blessing. It was a potent catalyst, driving her to embrace honesty, integrity, and empathy. The story of Obezi’s transformation spread throughout the village, serving as a crucial reminder of the transformative power of honesty. It proved that anyone can achieve personal growth and positive change.

Woman with bright red skin wearing an African headwrap

Summary of Red-Faced Liar African Folktale.

Once upon a time, in Liberia, there lived a woman named Obezi who was known for her impressive storytelling skills. However, her penchant for lying and exaggerating had made her unpopular in her community. One day, Obezi’s lies went too far, causing harm to an innocent person. This led the village elders to curse her, making her skin turn red whenever she lied. Initially, Obezi was in denial, but as she saw the harm her lies caused, she realized the error of her ways. She resolved to speak only the truth, and as she did, her skin regained its original color. The villagers forgave her, and she became a respected and trustworthy member of the community who was dedicated to helping others. The elders were pleased with Obezi’s transformation and the community learned the importance of honesty and personal growth.

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