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Coded Languages of Adinkra Symbols

Coded Languages of Adinkra Symbols

Adinkra symbols are coded pictures that relate to the history, beliefs, and philosophy of the Asante people. Adinkra symbols are well-known visual symbols that have a hidden meaning, deciphering.

Adinkra symbols are the same as reading a sentence as long as you know what is the coded symbols truly mean.

Dwennimmen ram's horns African Adinkra symbol of humility with strength
Dwennimmen ram's horns coded African Adinkra symbol of humility with strength
West African Adinkra symbols represent ideas, proverbs, expressions, attitudes, and behavior depicted in the simply drawn figure, think of it as a way of writing in code. African Code Language, African Adinkra symbols are visual symbols that represent the joining of spoken and pictorial language.

African Adinkra symbol Odenkyem is the crocodile symbolizing prudence and practicality

African Adinkra symbol Odenkyem is the crocodile symbolizing prudence and practicality.

African Adinkra symbol Nyame Nnwu Na Me Wu is a symbol meaning God never dies; so I shall not die indicating there is an afterlife.

Nyame Nnwu Na Me Wu African Adinkra symbol is a symbol meaning God never dies; so I shall not die indicating there is an afterlife

African Adinkra symbol Fawohudie is important to Akan society symbolizing independence and freedom.

FawohudieAfrican Adinkra symbolis important to Akan society symbolizing independence and freedom

African Adinkra symbol Bese Saka

>African Adinkra symbolBese Saka is a container of cola nuts symbolizing abundance and affluence of agriculture and trade bring a community together.

Nyansapo is a African Adinkra symbol wisdom knot symbolizing wisdom, patience and learning.

Nyansapo is an African Adinkra symbol wisdom knot symbolizing wisdom, patience, and learning. Adinkra Symbols are signs that indicate, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Adinkra are visual symbols.

Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan is the symbol for the power of love.

Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan is an African Adinkra symbol meaning Love never loses its way home Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan is the symbol for the power of love.

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