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Spiritual Self-Care African Proverb

More go where there is more; knowledge enters through the window of the soul. African Proverb.

Our divine internal responsibly African proverb teaches spirituality and spiritual self-care go hand in hand.

African eyes praying to God

Spiritual Self-Care African Proverb

Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture

Spiritual Self-Care is the process of developing your inner tools to stay clear and connected with your physical, psychological, and emotional self. Spirituality is about faith, sacredness and connection to something bigger than yourself.

There is nothing like spiritual blessings to remind us of the sweetest things in life, but there is nothing like negative thoughts to test your triggers, bring up old hurts and bring out your inner fears, outbursts, and crying included. 

The best gift you can give yourself is to set up a place of taking well-placed spiritual timeouts. Give yourself permission to tag out and find pockets of spiritual peace and quiet to take care of yourself spirituality.

Spiritual self-care ideas

Take a walk outside to rediscover your inner peaceful soul.

Lie down in a quiet room with peaceful music.

Remove yourself from a conversation that might turn negative and take a few minutes to breathe deeply.

Do not drink too much to numb yourself, instead commit to giving yourself these pockets of spiritual peace and reset your tired soul. Spend an hour alone reading something that nourishes you from the inside out.

African proverb "More go where there is more; knowledge enters through the window of the soul" teaches Spirituality and Spiritual Self-Care go hand in hand.

Did you know? Spiritual self-care practices keep divine energy in one piece, unbent and broken. More go where there is more; knowledge enters through the window of the soul - African Proverb.

More Spiritual Self-Care African Proverbs.

When a leaf of a plant falls, it cannot return.

Loneliness has a tiered mouth like the hippopotamus.

The reed itches while with others.

Peace does not apply for all in the same way.

Distance diminishes the elephant.

Loneliness has a tiered mouth like the hippopotamus. Democratic Republic of the Congo African Proverb

The porcupine eats what is around its den.

The cow that roams too much cannot produce milk.

To remain behind is to be responsible of closing the door.

The foolish cannot soften in the mortar.

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