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DIY African Print No Sew Throw Pillows

DIY African Print No Sew Throw Pillows

Transform an ordinary room with African print throw pillows without picking up a needle and thread. Add African culture to your home with a few easy steps and create beautiful DIY African print no sew throw pillows.

DIY African Print No Sew Throw Pillows

Simple African Print No Sew Throw Pillows

Beautiful DIY African Print No Sew Throw Pillows.


· 3/4 yard African print

·16" square pillow form

· Iron on no sew adhesive bonding tape

·Fabric scissors

· Iron and ironing board


Use a water-soluble marker to draw a template for cutting the pillow shape from your fabric.

Cut both layers of fabric at the same time; turn fabric prints facing each other.

African print throw pillows  

Fold over three edges of fabric 1 inch and run the adhesive tape along the edges. Use an iron and lots of steam to secure the fabric.

Let pillow sit for 5 minutes then turn the pillow inside out and stuff in the pillow form.

Finish by repeating previous steps to secure the fabric edges closed.

Congratulations you are finished!

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