African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

When the World is Against You African Proverbs

When the World is Against You African Proverbs African proverbs to help remember that a happy life is up to you; and even when trouble comes your way, what is important is not the problem, but how you respond.

When the World is Against You African Proverbs

The African proverbs, which wise people have spoken on a vital topic, to understand life, even when you do not can never fail to rate our respect, and African proverbs will prove helpful to us, and led by a pearl of higher wisdom if we choose to listen.

African proverbs help to understand life, even when you don't

Don't expect the same results from the things that look alike.

A stranger cannot know the secret paths of the village.

Around a flowering tree are many insects.

Tomorrow is pregnant and no one knows what she will give birth to.

African Proverb for Women

A fool is a wise man's ladder.

The frog enjoys himself in water but not in hot water.

Although the grass looks even, there are paths in between.

A clear conscience is more valuable than wealth.

African proverbs for the soul, just remember when you think the world is against you, a positive response is a sign of courage; you can go the distance in a bumpy life with unity, strength, and wisdom. Trouble doesn't last always.

Don't put the key to happiness in someone else's pocket.

A buffalo that is tied up will hate the one that is free.

Happiness is like palm-wine, if you mix it with too much water, it loses its taste.

Doubt is the beginning of a disease.

Better a piece of bread in happiness than gold bars in sorrow.

African Proverbs for Women

Even though the tortoise would die for it, she will never be able to scratch her own back.

Happiness does not arrive at the front door.

Jealousy is poison's brother.

Don't hurry to love someone, they may hate you; don't hurry to hate someone, they may love you.

Don't hurry to love someone

Good things come to some while asleep. The mind attracted by what is false has no relish for better things. Everyone thinks his own burden heavy.

A day of grace is as a day in harvest; one must be diligent as soon as it is ripe.

African proverbs for the soul

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