African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

In the land of Dagboro, there lived a skilled hunter named Lujamba

In the African hunter never returned folklore story; the hunter goes away promising to return but never does.

African hunter spirit 

In the land of Dagboro, there lived a skilled hunter named Lujamba. He was renowned for his unmatched prowess in tracking and capturing game. Lujamba roamed the untamed lands, venturing across the Kei River on the Wild Coast, located in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. 

Accompanying him on his adventures was Kwaziti, the revered ancestor of the late Paedite. Together, they formed a formidable duo. When Kwaziti acquired the dense, forested mountains of Amatolas from chief Pohho, they discovered that the area was infested with a large population of Bamogu, a tribe of people with a unique way of life. 

These inhuman-looking Jilambe posed a challenge to their reign over the land. One fateful day, as Lujamba and his two young companions were hunting, they successfully captured an eland. Bursting with triumph, Lujamba proudly exclaimed, "Tsi! ha! ha! ha! ha! The weapons of Kwaziti!" Little did he know that a group of Bamogu had been silently observing their every move. 

The Jilambe approached Lujamba and declared, "Behold the setting sun, for it shall be your last. You shall hunt our game no more." Realizing the danger he was in, Lujamba attempted to negotiate his release. He offered the Jilambe a significant quantity of dacha, a wild hemp used for smoking, as a ransom for his life. While one of the Jilambe was reluctant to spare him, the rest agreed to the proposal. 

The Jilambe held Lujamba captive, while he pretended to send his two young companions to fetch the promised dacha. In secret, Lujamba instructed the young men not to return. The Bamogu believed Lujamba's plan and patiently awaited the arrival of the dacha. As the day turned to night, the Jilambe indulged in their feast of eland, consuming it without pause. 

Throughout the night, they kept a watchful eye on Lujamba, their captive. When morning arrived, they inquired about the return of the young men with the dacha. 

Lujamba cunningly replied that he did not expect their arrival until sunset. Satiated with their meat-filled bellies, the Jilambe grew drowsy and decided to rest, except for the one who had advised against sparing Lujamba's life. This particular Jilambe remained vigilant but eventually succumbed to fatigue. 

Seizing the opportunity, Lujamba swiftly took his spear and, one by one, eliminated the slumbering Jilambe. In his triumph, Lujamba momentarily forgot himself and exclaimed his cry of victory, "Tsi! ha! ha! ha! ha! Izikali zika Rarabe!" 

His cry awakened the lone Kwaziti who had initially advocated for Lujamba's demise. He sprang to his feet and fled, his voice echoing through the wind, "I warned you, this Lujamba of the Kwazitis should have been vanquished. Those of you who now lie lifeless perished for not heeding my advice.

African Proverb - Yimbini yezolo yakwa Gxuluwe means Lujamba's two of yesterday. This is a saying of anyone who goes away promising to return, and does not do so. It had its origin in an event that happened many generations back.

African folklore is educational.

More short folklore stories from Africa to make you fall in love with myths and legends again from the motherland.
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  3. Hunters Attack Cowards Tell the Story
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