African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Angry Wind African Folktale Story

Rabbit interpreted angry African winds message to humankind wrong and her response did not blow in the direction of peace; this is the reason why the rabbits nose is split to this day.

Read and understand the message of the Angry African Wind African Folktale Story and why rabbit got it wrong.

African Winds

Angry Wind African Folktale Story

The Wind summoned a Butterfly to give a message to humankind, saying, "Fly to Mankind, and tell them, "Love for mankind is the most precious reward that wisdom can offer"

The Butterfly started with the message, but while on her way was kidnapped by a Rabbit, who asked, "On what errand are you flying so quickly?"

The frightened Butterfly answered, "I am sent by the Wind to Mankind, to tell them that "Love for mankind is the most precious reward that wisdom can offer".

The Rabbit said, "As you are a slow messenger, let me go to take the message to the humans”. With these words, he ran off, and when he reached the leader of Mankind, he said, "I am sent by the Wind to tell you, ‘Love for Wind by mankind is the most precious reward that wisdom can offer".

Then the Rabbit returned to Wind thinking he will be in her good graces for delivering the message to humankind and repeated to her what he told to people not knowing he got the message wrong.

Wind rebuked Rabbit angrily, saying, "You dare come in my presence and tell the people a thing which I have not said! You dare, on your own accord replace the messenger I sent to the people! “

With these words, Wind whipped up a piece of wood, and struck the Rabbit on the nose. Since that day, the Rabbit's nose is slit because he angered the Wind.

More short folklore stories from Africa to make you fall in love with myths and legends again from the motherland.

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