African Food and Art

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Afternoon Tea Honey Cake In South Africa

Plan the perfect afternoon tea with our honey cake recipe and South African rooibos red bush tea.

All you need is a slice of honey cake, a teapot and pretty cups.

Afternoon Tea Honey Cake In South Africa

Afternoon Tea Honey Cake
Afternoon Tea Honey Cake and South African rooibos tea 

Afternoon Tea Honey Cake Ingredients
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 large egg
1/3 cup any mixed dried fruit
1/3 cup rooibos red bush tea
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon salt

Afternoon Tea Honey Directions

Preheat the oven to 350 F. In a large mixing bowl, add dried fruit, warm tea, and honey. Mix well, let stand 10 minutes. Beat the egg and whisk it into the tea mixture. Add flour, baking powder and spices beat until well combined. Grease and flour a standard-size loaf pan with vegetable oil. Pour the cake mixture into the prepared loaf pan bake 20-25 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool and serve with afternoon tea.

About Honey Uses and Facts

Honey is eaten principally for the sugar, it contains and for its delicate flavor. The sugars are largely the simple sugars, glucose, and fructose. In addition to sugars, honey contains water and a negligible amount of minerals, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and iron. The flavor and aroma of honey are influenced by the blossoms from which the nectar is gathered. Honey is designated by the flavor that predominates. The flavor varies from mild to strongly aromatic, the color is white to green to dark grey and brown.

Honey is usually sold as either comb or extracted honey. Comb honey is contained in the cells of the comb. Extracted honey has been separated from the uncrushed comb by centrifugal force or gravity. In bulk comb honey, cut pieces of comb honey are put into jars and the jar is then filled with extracted honey. Cut comb honey is used for individual servings. Before wrapping, the honey is drained from the cut cells. Honey may be either liquid or granulated. Some varieties, such as alfalfa, granulate much more readily than others. All honey granulates more quickly after it is removed from the comb. Granulation in extracted honey is the best evidence of purity.

To liquefy granulated honey, place the jar in warm water, or put the honey in the top of a double boiler. The temperature of the honey should be kept below the boiling point, at a temperature above 140 degrees Fahrenheit changes the flavor, aroma, and color. Unless honey is sealed, it should be kept in a dry place, as it may absorb moisture. Diluted honey will ferment and sour readily. As honey crystallizes at a low temperature, it should be stored in a warm place and not in a refrigerator or other cold place. Sudden changes in temperature should be avoided.

Each cup of honey is about 20 percent water; therefore, the amount of milk or other liquid called for in a recipe should be reduced. For each cup of honey used, reduce the liquid by 4 tablespoons. Honey is a good substitute for sugar or molasses in baking cake, muffins, cookies, waffles, pancakes, or gingerbread, substitute for part of the sugar in taffy, fudge, and popcorn balls. A substitute for part of the sugar in preserved fruits, fruit sauces, conserves, jams, and jellies. A spread for bread, biscuits, or muffins instead of jam or jelly, on oatmeal, syrup for lemonade and other drinks and grilled sandwiches.

Did you know?
Southern Africa rooibos tea is naturally caffeine-free and honey pairs perfectly as a natural sweetener.

More candy, cookies and cake African dessert recipes to whip up today.

  1. Liberian Kanya Peanut Butter Candy
  2. Couscous with Honey
  3. Mango Potato Cake
  4. Fresh Ginger Cake
  5. Breadfruit Buttermilk Honey Cake

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