African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Learned Your Lesson African Proverbs

The African culture expresses lessons learned through wisdom in Proverbs. This is why African proverbs express the timeless wisdom of African people.

"He who is courteous is not a fool." The African culture expresses wisdom in an interesting way through proverbs.
African woman, the skin I'm in photo 

African proverbs are common to all languages; proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.

Learned Your Lesson African Proverbs

A person who does not bathe must know it of himself that he is dirty - Nigerian proverb

A person who wants you out of their home will not tell you, Get out- Swahili proverb

He who conceals his disease cannot expect to be cured- Ethiopian proverb

He who is courteous is not a fool- Nigerian proverb

Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone - Liberian proverb

Everything that flies is not good to eat. - African Proverb

You need not look after the hoofs of dead goats. - Nigerian Proverb

The sun rises whether the cock crows or not. - African Proverb

If you go through the high grass where the elephant has already gone through, you don’t get wet with dew. - African Proverb

A person gets used to behaving like their name. – Igbo Proverb

Almost does not fill a bowl. - Nigerian proverb

The person who waits for a perfect opportunity will wait a lifetime. - African Proverb

Read Next – 1,000 African Proverbs

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