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How To Make Ethiopian Coffee At Home

Ethiopian Buna Coffee Ceremony. I  The process of preparing Ethiopian Buna Coffee Ceremony is long, this is why coffee is enjoyed in a group settings.  Gathering for Ethiopian Coffee is a time of socialization, a time to be together and to talk for women. How To Make Ethiopian Coffee At Home The Ethiopian Coffee may be prepared three times in one day for various reasons including a meal. There is a time to share Buna with family, a time to drink Buna with other women and for breakfast or dinner and may include immediate family, including male members. Coffee in Amharic, the national language of Ethiopia, is Buna. Buna is also the name of the coffee ceremony conducted by Ethiopian women.  The host clothing should be a traditional Ethiopian dresses when preparing the ceremony.  When a man prepares Buna he is questioned regarding his masculinity however there are a few exceptions to this rule.  The Ethiopian coffee ceremony is a ritual that the women ...

How to Make Shito Ghanaian Hot Pepper Sauce

Shito Ghanaian pepper sauce and hot sauce is a favorite condiment to serve with any number of American and African dishes. Shito Ghanaian pepper sauce and hot sauce is enjoyed with vegetables, fish, meat or poultry, it is also ideal with yams recipes, green plantains, and potatoes. In other words, Shito Ghanaian pepper sauce and hot sauce is perfect for just about any food dish. Shito is the best artisan small-batch hot pepper sauce you will ever make. How to Make Shito Ghanaian Pepper Sauce African recipes by African Gourmet Shito Ghanaian pepper sauce is made with hot peppers, shrimp, fish, tomato paste and seasonings to create Ghana’s most beloved hot sauce. Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 15 min Total time: 25 min Ingredients: 2 cups tomato puree 10 dried hot chilies 1 tablespoon shrimp paste 1 tablespoon fish sauce 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 teaspoon ground ginger ½ teaspoon cumin 1/4 cup olive oil Directions: Add all ingredients into a food pro...

Madagascar Unique Forests are in Danger

Madagascar plant life is rich, Madagascar's forests are home to unique plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. However, 3 acres of Madagascar's forests are lost on Africa’s largest island a year. Madagascar Unique Forests are in Danger In Africa Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture Madagascar is important to the environment of the world. Isolated for 60 million years, Madagascar’s ecosystem is a treasure trove of unique and often unusual animals and plants.   More than 80 percent of Madagascar Island’s amazing vegetation and wildlife appear nowhere else in the world.   Losing around 3 acres of forest in Madagascar has a greater impact on global biodiversity than losing 3 acres of forest anywhere else on Earth. Madagascar is important to the environment of the world. Because of 80 percent of the Malagasy population depends on making their living through subsistence agriculture, Madagascar’s forests are in danger. Using slash-and-b...

Salted Boiled Plantains

Plantains are a major food staple in many regions of Africa. Plantains are typically eaten cooked and boiled plantains are easy to prepare.  Salted Boiled Plantains. Many plantain recipes call for frying, but this method increases the calorie content. Salted Boiled Plantains. Ingredients 2 green large plantains Water for boiling Spices of your choice Directions In a large pot of salted boiling water or vegetable broth carefully drop washed stemmed unpeeled plantains in boiling water. Cook for 15- 20 minutes until tender. Peel before serving and sprinkle with salt, pepper, cumin, red pepper or any spice of your choice.  About plantains. Plantains look like a larger version of a banana but have thicker peels and starchier fruit. Plantains are often used in African cooking and are a major food staple in many regions of Africa. More economical easy lunch and dinner recipes to make right now so you never have to eat or prepare a boring meal again. Currie...

Gold Mining the Devils Office South Africa

The South African Gold Belt and the Devils Office 1881. Gold mining in 1881 in the gold mines of Kaapsehoop South Africa involved panning, sluicing, dredging, hard rock mining, and working in the devils office. Kaapsehoop Gold Mining the Devils Office South Africa Kaapsehoop, the devils office, overlooks the De Kaap Valley also known as the valley of death because many gold miners died from malaria. Kaapsehoop is a town in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. Kaapsehoop owes its existence to the discovery of gold in the hills around the present-day town in 1881. A rush of miners and fortune-hunters ensued. The name Kaapschehoop is also spelled Kaapsche Hoop. In 1882 Bernard Chomse claimed to have found gold in the bed of a stream in Kaapsehoop and a gold rush took place. Its existence was short-lived, however, as most of the broker's left Barberton following the discovery of the rich goldfields of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Witwatersrand mine is so rich it ...

African Studies

African Studies
African Culture and traditions