Paying Your Diaspora Tax

For 26 years the 2% Eritrea diaspora tax has not been reviewed nor has the Eritrean gov. published financial records on how the diaspora tax is spent. 2% Eritrea diaspora tax is taxation without representation Calculating the 2% Eritrea diaspora tax The diaspora tax or emigration tax on Eritreans living abroad is a sort of taxation without representation however, Eritrean consulates demand proof of diaspora tax payment to provide even the most basic consular services such as issuing visas to businesses and individuals, pursue an education, issuing Eritrean ID cards or any legal documents. Eritrea’s large diaspora has been a source of vital remittances, funding its war for independence and providing 30% of the country’s Gross domestic product. Because of drought and a war with Ethiopia, about 1 million Eritreans live abroad, that means one out of every five Eritreans lives abroad. Eritrea, pronunced eh·ruh·tree·uh is an African country located in Eastern Africa bordering the Red S...