African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Life lessons Cameroonian Proverbs

Life lessons Cameroonian Proverbs Life lessons Cameroonian proverbs.

Cameroon is slightly larger than the US state of California with a large youth population, more than 60% under the age of 25. Despite its youth, Cameroonians believe ancestral proverbs are the expression of ancestors that contain time-tested wisdom, truth, lessons, and advice.

Cameroon is slightly larger than the US state of California with a large youth population, more than 60% under the age of 25.
Going for a walk in Cameroon 

Life lessons Cameroonian proverbs

The one who travels knows more than the one who studies.
The weight of something is felt by the one carrying it.
A chicken is heavy when the journey is long.
A person that does not listen to advice will be left alone to find their own solution to where they are going.
A child who is destined to lead will walk with his ancestors.
Never spoil the air where you sleep.
A village is good when one is passing by. A flexible hand cannot easily break.
A lion that wants to eat you does not look at your size.
The sweetness of something depends on the eater.
A man turns in his bed but not on his words.

A lazy man has the energy to eat but not to work.
A child who is destined to lead will walk with his ancestors.
A child who is destined to lead will walk with his ancestors.

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