
Showing posts from April, 2017

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Unmarried pregnant girls sent to die on Punishment Island

Akampene Island on Lake Bunyonyi is better known as Punishment Island was the final stop for ritually humiliated, abandoned unmarried pregnant girls.   Good girls gone bad in the eyes of the African village Bakiga tribes people Akampene Island on Lake Bunyonyi is better known as Punishment Island. The Bakiga tribe people of the mountains lived around Punishment Island having arrived from Rwanda in the 17th and 18th centuries.  Akampene or Punishment Island is little more than a 100 foot raised muddy platform that sticks out from the lake. Lake Bunyonyi off Uganda's south west coast has 29 Islands, with Akampene Island better known as Punishment Island being the most famous. Bakiga tribes people would ritually abandon unmarried pregnant girls on Punishment Island. The tiny island was a wasteland to leave pregnant girls to die since they were no longer of value to the family since an unmarried pregnant girl could not bring the family a bride price and was therefore useless. 

Oyo African Pepper Sauce

Oyo African Pepper Sauce African Recipes by African Gourmet   Oyo African Pepper Sauce is an all-purpose hot sauce recipe used to flavor meats, seafood, fritters and vegetable dishes. Prep time: 20 min Cook time: 10 min Total time: 30 min Oyo African Pepper Sauce Ingredients:      2 minced any type of hot pepper      3/4 cup olive oil 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar ¼ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground paprika 1 teaspoon ground cayenne 2 teaspoon ground habanero chili powder   Directions: Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan over medium-high heat and cook 5 minutes. Pour sauce into prepared heat proof jars and use on meats, seafood, fritters, vegetable dishes, French fries etc...

Seven Mega Malls of Africa

Shopping at the mall in Africa Despite having the 12th largest mall in the world, traditional markets are still the prevailing choice for shoppers across the African continent. However, seven super structures shatter the mold of what you think about luxury shopping in Africa. Seven largest malls in Africa Seven largest malls in Africa in order are the Mall of Arabia, Morocco Mall, Gateway Theatre of Shopping, Cairo Festival City, Stars Centre, Citystars Heliopolis, Canal Walk and Mall of Africa.   Mall of Arabia - Cairo, Egypt Built in the shape of a huge eye, the launch of Africa's largest shopping mall at 9.5 million sq ft, the Mall of Arabia Cairo opened in December of 2010. Mall of Arabia Cairo is located on the outskirts of Cairo featuring a large food court, dancing fountains along with upscale indoor shops and an outdoor market. Mega Malls of Africa, the largest mall in Africa is Mall of Arabia located in Cairo, Egypt   Morocco Mall - Casablanca, Mo

African Clay Oil Lamp Tutorial

Clay oil lamps in Africa are used for utilitarian, ritualistic, and symbolic purposes. African Clay Oil Lamp Tutorial In Africa for millions of years, people captured naturally occurring fire, tended it, and preserved it for long periods. Fire is important not only for warmth and for cooking, but for light. Currently, nearly 662 million Africans lack access to electricity. Throughout Africa, only 43% of urban and rural households have access to reliable electricity. Clay oil lamp It is very hard to do anything once the daylight is gone. Some of the earliest lamps were stones with depressions in which animal fats were likely burned as a source of light.  Shells, such as conch or oyster, were also used as lamps. Manufactured lamps are not always cost effective and readily available. Many households use simple molds or hand forming techniques to make clay lamps. Clay Oil Lamp Tutorial Materials and Directions Materials • Wate

Africa Flip Flop Pollution Problem

Some bodies of waters in Africa are polluted because of flip flops. Africa Water Polluted by Flip Flops One of the largest marine pollutants along Africa's' East coast are cheap plastic foam flip flops but flip flops found littered on beaches and in waterways of Kenya are made into works of African art. Elephant made from broken flip flops Flip flops are one of the largest marine pollutants in the Indian Ocean and her beaches. Tons of broken and discarded flip flops wash up on East African coast each year. These flip flops were dumped in cities and villages and are carried away by sewage systems , rivers and other waterways into Kenyan coastlines every year.  The union of ocean currents at the tip of the Lamu Archipelago drags thousands of flip flops washed away from beaches around the world onto the sea turtle nesting grounds.  With driftwood and flip flops littering the beaches , female sea turtles struggle to r

African Proverbs About Trust

African proverbs about trust represent the importance of respect and responsibility in relationships. Trust is the greatest and most important of all human virtues. African Proverbs About Trust The tracks of a leopard are not made by a dog   - African Proverb One who defames another's character, also defames their own -Nigerian Proverb When you bite indiscriminately, you end up eating your own tail - Zulu Proverb People may tell little lies small as a thorn but, they will grow to the size of a spear and kill you -Yoruba Proverb You will know who you love; you cannot truly know who loves you - Nigerian Proverb Almost doesn't fill a bowl - African Proverb

African Fetish Symbols are Almighty Figures of Power

Fetish figures throughout Africa are vessels of power that can control and influence things seen and unseen affecting destiny.  Rafa African Fetish African Fetish what is it. A fetish is an object with perceived supernatural powers used to invoke vigilant and protective spirits to drive away evil spirits, invoke the power to afflict a person with a disease or attempt to control destiny.  In Africa and throughout the world these beliefs are manifested in some of the most expressive and magical power figures ever created called fetishes. Common to many tribes in Africa is the belief that the fetishes are powerful through their ritualistic carving and sanctification. Fetishes also are made of different special substances and offered sacrifices depending on the need of the person. Fetishes are carved with the intention to be held in the hand or set upright in the ground during a ceremony in which songs, dances, invocations, div

Kichalundu Heaven Tree African Folktale

Kichalundu the Heaven Tree is an African Folktale teaching the beauty of life from death.  Kichalundu  Kichalundu the Heaven Tree Kichalundu went out one day to harvest vegetables from her garden, finding the gourd patch growing very luxuriantly; she stepped on the lushest spot and sank quickly into the soil. Frantically her friends took hold of her hands and tried to pull her out, but in vain; she vanished from their sight. They heard her crying, "The ghosts have taken me. Go and tell my father and mother," and they ran to call the parents. The whole countryside gathered about the place, and a spiritualist advised the father to sacrifice a cow and a sheep. This was done, and they heard the girl's voice again, but growing fainter and fainter, until at last, it was silent, and they gave her up for lost. But, after a time a tree grew up on the spot where she had disappeared. It went on growing until at last, it reached the sky. The herd-boys, during

Death by Measles in South Sudan

The anti-vaccine movement in South Sudan, Africa, is by force, not choice. Measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available. Measles outbreak Africa mothers wait to vaccinate their babies Death by Measles in South Sudan South Sudan is being wracked by severe humanitarian health emergencies. The destruction of health facilities and displacement of health workers have stretched an already vulnerable health system to breaking point. Despite being preventable, measles is still common in many parts of South Sudan Africa. Measles is an extremely infectious disease caused by the rubeola virus. In 1980, before widespread vaccination, measles caused an estimated 2.6 million deaths each year worldwide. Measles starts with fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat followed by a rash that spreads over the entire body. In February 2014, WHO categoriz

Egyptian Goddess Sothis Bringer of the Nile Flood

Goddess Sothis is the daughter of Osiris, the star Sirius, bringer of the new agricultural year Nile flooding and protector of the dead. Sothis also known as Sopdet or Sirius Sothis also known as Sopdet or Sirius is an ancient Egyptian goddess who was associated with the star Sirius, which was considered to be a manifestation of the goddess herself. The appearance of Sirius in the sky was seen as an important astronomical event that marked the beginning of the annual flooding of the Nile River, which was vital to the agriculture and economy of ancient Egypt. Sothis was often depicted as a woman wearing a headdress in the shape of a star or as a seated cow, which was a symbol of fertility and nurturing. She was closely associated with the goddess Isis and was sometimes identified with her. Sothis was also believed to be the mother of the god Horus, who was seen as the protector of the pharaohs and the divine embodiment of kingship. In Egyptian mythology, Sothis was also associated wi

Why Some Souls Are White and Others Black African Folktale

Black purifies with waters which are fit for sacrifice, pure, and divine. Why Some Souls Are White and Others Black is a West Africa Republic of the Congo African Folktale. Black purifies.  Why Some Souls Are White and Others Black It was in the beginning, and four men were walking through the woods and came upon two rivers. One river was of water, clear as crystal and of great clarity; the other was murky, frightful, and horrifying to the taste. The four men were puzzled as to which river they should cross; for, whereas the dirty river seemed very difficult to pass, the clear river was easier to cross.  The men, after some discussion, thought that they should cross the black river, and two of them at once crossed it. The other two, however, barely touched the black water and returned to the edge of the woods. The two men that had crossed the river called to their two companions urging them to cross, but in vain. They had al

Ȯ dị otó It was delicious | African Street Food

Ȯ dị otó translates to it was delicious in the African Igbo language. Street food is an important part of the culture and economy throughout the African continent. An estimated 2.5 billion people worldwide consume street food each day many of whom are poor and cannot afford food from retail stores depend on food that street vendors provide. Street food vending employs, on average, more than 42 percent of the labor force and contributes about 41 percent of the and total GNP in Africa. Street food vendors in Africa are commonly family or one-person businesses and the majority work without licensing.   Some people want a sit down meal, but most are street vendors wandering through food markets weaving in and out of traffic. Street food vendors can be found near offices, factories, schools, markets, construction sites, beaches, truck, train, plane and bus stations, business centers and along almost every street in Africa. Setting up a street food business needs little investment

Southern Africa Mushroom Dombolo Dumplings Recipe

Mushroom harvesting occurs in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands and Mpumalanga, the fresh mushrooms collected are being served at the best restaurants around Southern Africa. In Southern Africa, the white button and brown mushrooms are mainly grown. Africans prefer their mushrooms fresh rather than being processed into canned product. Mushroom Dombolo or Mushroom Dumplings is a favorite Southern African recipe using fresh white button mushrooms. Southern Africa Mushroom Dombolo Dumplings Recipe Ingredients Filling 5 cups chopped button mushrooms 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 small onion, minced Salt and ground black pepper to taste Dough 1 large egg yolk 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 3 ¼ cups all-purpose flour, more as needed Directions Mushroom filling In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring often, until golden but not brown, about 5 minutes. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring, until mushrooms have released their liquid, abo