African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

You Can't Make an Ungrateful Person Happy

You Can't Make an Ungrateful Person Happy

Better to not try to make an ungrateful person happy

The African proverb, When a person is carrying someone on his back, the one being carried gets tired before he does teaches you can not make an ungrateful person happy because they don't care about all the good things you've done for them.

You Can't Make an Ungrateful Person Happy
You Can't Make an Ungrateful Person Happy

Ungrateful People

Ungrateful people African proverb

You Can't Make an Ungrateful Person Happy

“When a person is carrying someone on his back, the one being carried gets tired before he does” – African Proverb

Five signs of an ungrateful person

Never feel satisfied
Nothing fills them up, even if they achieve a goal or get something they want. It seems like they have an insatiable appetite. They just never feel full.

Feel entitled
Ungrateful people expect to be given everything from everyone no matter how trivial or absurd. They feel a sense that the world owes them something. The person is likely to blame others for the disappointment, which reinforces their sense of entitlement.

Anger is an emotion that ungrateful people easily draw upon. They are either holding grudges about something that happened in the past or finding fault with what is going on in the present.

Enjoy playing the victim role
There is no one so they think which has had it worse off than them. You will listen to their poor me scenarios in vein and try to help, you cannot.


Ungrateful people are wrapped up in themselves there is no room for your feelings and needs. They are too busy thinking about themselves.

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