
Showing posts from June, 2022

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Congolese Cassava Pondu and Fufu Nosh

French is the official language of the Republic of Congo, in Kikongo the name of this African country favorite dish is named Pondu, in French it is named feuille de manioc, in English it is known as cassava leaf stew. Congolese cooks combine a mixture of mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, pumkin, palm-oil and herbs, other fresh vegetables such as cassava leaves, fish, bush-meat and goat-meat eaten with a starchy dish called fufu. Farming Cassava Leaves Fufu is rolled into golf ball-sized balls, an indentation is made with the right finger and then dipped into a soup, sauce or stew in order to soak-up the flavor . Cassava is known by many names depending on where you live on this planet; the most common names for cassava are manioc, yucca, yuca, mandioca, and tapioca. Cassava originated from tropical America and cassava was first introduced into Africa in the Congo Basin by the Portuguese around 1558. Africans eat around 176 pounds or 80 kilograms of cassava per year per person. It is e