African Food and Art

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Africa averages four coups per year

Africa averages around four coups per year. Burkina Faso has the most successful coups in Africa, eight.

Seven African countries, Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Sudan and Tunisia had coups; an illegal and overt attempt to unseat sitting leaders in 2021. Africa averages around four coups and coup attempts per year however 2021 was unusually high with three failed coup attempts and four successful. The year 2022 has started with two coups on the African Continent.

Africa averages four coups per year

There were successful coups in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, and Guinea and failed military takeovers in Tunisia, Niger and Sudan. Burkina Faso, in West Africa, has had the most successful coups, with eight takeovers, four alleged coups and one failed coup. January 23, 2022 was the latest coup in Burkina Faso.

A coup is a illegal seizure of power by a political group civilian or military who forcefully carries out the removal of the sitting government and its powers. A political or military coup causes intense sectarian violence and causes a collapse in the countries GDP. 

Violent extremism is showing its most ugly face and the mix of extremist ideology and politics is more toxic than ever before. Every perpetrator of a coup and every dictator known to history has acted with the avowed aim of bringing salvation to the country and delivering people from inept governance.

Good governance is key to creating nations that are at peace with themselves and that can offer a better life for their citizens.  Coups, power grabs, authoritarianism and corruption degenerate African countries into anarchy unable to to protect and restore broken systems, including policing and justice. 

A coup consists of the infiltration of a small group which is then used to displace the existing government from its control. Coups are not the key to sustainable peace in Africa, there are three generally recognized types of coups: Breakthrough Coup is most-common type of coup, an opposing group of civilian or military organizers overthrows the seated government and installs themselves as the nation’s new leaders. Guardian Coup is thought to be for the greater good of the nation and Veto Coup is when the military steps in to prevent major political change. 

Africa's coup and coup attempts January - February 2022

Burkina Faso - January 23, 2022 the Burkinabé military staged a coup against Roch Marc Christian Kaboré

Guinea-Bissau - February 1, 2022: Failed attempt to overthrow the government.  A coup d'état was attempted in Guinea-Bissau on 1 February 2022. President Umaro Sissoco Embalo said that many members of the security forces had been killed in a failed attack against democracy.

Africa's coup and coup attempts 2021

Chad - Dynastic institutional coup April 2021, Chad's political opposition parties say the army's appointment of the late President Idriss Déby's son as the nation's new leader was an institutional coup.

Guinea - September 5, 2021: Mamady Doumbouya overthrows Alpha Condé

Mali - May 2021 Malian coup d'état: Military overthrows Bah N'daw

Niger - March 2021 the Nigerian military tried to seize the presidential palace in Niger's capital Niamey. Presidential Guard fended off the attack and many of its alleged perpetrators were later detained. 

Sudan - October 25, 2021 the Sudanese military, led by Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, seizes control of the government following the arrest of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and other civilian members of the Sovereignty Council

Tunisia - July 25, 2021 Tunisian President Kais Saied froze the parliament, dismissed the prime minister, and announced he will temporarily rule by decree.

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