
Showing posts from August, 2021

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Systems of Government in Africa today that are not Tribal

There are many different forms of government types in Africa but really just five apply today not including local tribal leaders which wield just as much influence as official government systems throughout Africa. The five types of systems of government in Africa are Absolute Monarchy, Federal Parliamentary Republic, Transitioning, Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Republic. The key characteristic of African governments is how two main forms obtain political power; being voting and traditional succession. The governance of African nations differs significantly based on who has power. The are 36 African counties that are Presidential Republic government systems, seven are Parliamentary Republic, six are Semi-Presidential Republic, two are Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy, two are Federal Parliamentary Republic, one is a Federal Presidential Republic, one is In Transition, and one is an Absolute Monarchy. For reference, the United States of America is a const