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African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Top Three New Year's Resolutions for Africa

Africa's New Year's Resolutions Top Three New Year's Resolutions for Africa are to End Corruption, Eradicate Terrorist Violence, and Establish and maintain Good African Governance. Africa’s top three New Year's resolutions could actually be achieved; millions of ordinary people across Africa write down their aspirations and work to fulfill their New Year's Resolutions in the New Year. Top Three New Year's Resolutions for Africa New Year's Resolutions for Africa, End Corruption Corruption is holding Africa back from becoming a world power. Corruption is endemic to the way of life in much of Africa. Transparency International, a global watchdog organization says 75 million people in Africa below the Saharan desert paid a bribe in 2014. Corruption has saturated all life facets African’s life from simple things like access to medical care, schools and jobs, to the grand scale of it all like award of contracts and use of public resources. The effect has been

A1 West African Sardine Okro Soup

A1 Okra Recipe African Sardine Okra Soup is a healthy easy to prepare African food recipe. Many variations of okro (okra) soup can be found throughout Western Africa. A1 West African Sardine Okro Soup African Food Recipe 1 can sardines in oil 3 fresh whole anchovies 2 cups frozen orko (okra) 2 handfuls pumpkin leaves, washed and chopped 2 chopped onions 1 Irish potato, diced 1 green pepper, chopped 1 red pepper, chopped 1 clove garlic, finely minced 2 medium tomatoes, diced 3 cups water Directions Add all ingredients into a large pot, simmer for 30 minutes. Serve with boiled dumplings or rice. Did you know? Hibiscus Esculentus or okra (okro) is of African origin originating from Ethiopia. Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture More economical easy lunch and dinner recipes to make right now so you never have to eat or prepare a boring meal again. Curried Tanzanian Coconut Okra Recipe Yedoro Stir Fried Ethiopian Ch

â„›ooster and the Hen Became Friends Short Story African Folklore

Fierce Sworn Enemies Rooster and Hen Became Friends Short Story African Folklore Short folktale story of how enemies become friends as Rooster and Hen were fierce sworn enemies. Rooster and the Hen Became Friends African Folklore Tall Tale explore how enemies can transform hostility into harmony. The animals one day said to the Rooster, "Why don't you build a house for yourself?" "The audacity!" haughtily answered the Rooster. "To talk of me building a house when the trees are bare and without leaves! I did build a house at one time, but it fell down in a heap. It will be a long while before I build another!" One day he was very hungry, and he seated himself on top of a banana stalk. Looking down from his lofty perch, he happened to see some tempting red berries in the brambles below. They looked altogether too tempting! So, without further thought, he made a dive for the tempting morsel and presently found himself caught in a snare, wh

Life in the Slums of Kibera Kenya Africa

Kibera slum is 617 acres or 2.5 square kilometers, a little smaller than New York’s Central Park. Only about 20 percent of Kibera has electricity and 10 percent of Kiberans have access to clean water. Sadly, there is currently no sewage system in the slums of Kibera. Kibera (Key-bear-a) is a Nubian word meaning Forest or Jungle. Kibera is one of Africa’s largest slums. Fifteen densely populated villages make up this slum. Residents of Kibera are officially squatters and do not own, rent or otherwise have lawful permission to use the land, the land belongs to the government of Kenya. However, this does not stop slumlords from charging rent when families move into vacated shacks. Generations have lived in Kenya’s largest slum of Kibera, one of Africa’s largest squatters settlements. Kibera slum is well for its crime, overcrowding, poverty, and lack of proper sanitation . Every second, two people are added to cities around the world. This population surge is particularly rapid in Africa

History of real life blood drinking African vampires

History of Malawi Black Vampires In parts of Southern Malawi Africa beginning in 1948, rumors began to spread that black and white vampires were working with Malawi's government to collect blood for international aid agencies. Sounds odd right, well people have believed in vampires for thousands of years beginning in Europe during the Middle-Ages and now the belief is widespread throughout the African country of Malawi. History of real life blood drinking African vampires Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture With vampire movies as popular as ever in America, blood-drinking vampires in the black community of Malawi Africa are hunted and killed by mobs. Despite the modern day charismatic and sophisticated vampire being very popular in many cultures, there are no evidence vampires materially exist but the widespread belief in supernatural beings in Malawi perpetuates the belief in real life African vampires.  For the past few years, people wh

Women African Heroes Assassinated and Executed in South Africa 1963-1985

Voices and Visions of African Liberation. Massacres, forced removals, substandard education and the consequent political crisis that gripped South Africa had awakened a militant attitude among the people, including women African heroes. Between 1963 and 1985 three women African heroes were murdered and one African hero executed in bloody South African freedom struggle. Women African Heroes Women Assassinated and Executed in South Africa 1963-1985 Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture Women African heroes who died for the liberation struggle African Hero Dulcie Evonne September Dulcie Evonne September, in 1976 joined the African National Congress (ANC) where she worked in the ANC Women's League. She was an anti-apartheid activist, humanitarian and political prisoner. September was arrested and detained without trial at Roeland Street Prison on October 7, 1963. Together with nine others she was charged under the Criminal Procedure Act

Kwanzaa Is Meant to Help You Start the New Year Off Right

Kwanzaa Is Meant to Help You Start the New Year off Right Umoja (oo-MO-jah) means Unity Kujichagulia (koo-jee-chah-GOO-lee-ah) means Self-Determination Ujima (oo-jah-MAH) means Collective Work and Responsibility Ujamaa (U-jay-ma) means Cooperative Economics Nia (NEE-ah) means Purpose Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah) means Creativity Imani (ee-MAH-nee) means Faith Kwanzaa is meant to help you start the New Year off right. A new year inspires renewed energy and excitement for what could happen. Kwanzaa's seven principles of unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith fit right into the New Year resolutions wish list. Beginning December 26 and lasting for seven days until the first day of the New Year, Kwanzaa is a celebration of everyone's community, family, and culture. History of Kwanzaa: each of the seven days of Kwanzaa is dedicated to one

Every Strength Is A Weakness, Every Weakness Is Strength

Every Strength Is A Weakness, Every Weakness Is Strength African Proverbs How African proverbs are perceived among African people African Proverbs are a force and have the power to change behavior because the truths portrayed in them are so simple and undeniable that the morals and advice they have, people feel obliged to conduct their lives in the manner prescribed in the African proverbs simply because they are from the wise elders of old. Many African Proverbs convey the truth, every strength is a weakness, and every weakness is strength. 35 Every Strength Is A Weakness, Every Weakness Is Strength African Proverbs You are not a loving person; you don't remember good deeds. Everyone is proud of himself, no one sees himself as ugly. Good can come out of evil.  That which is meant to be yours will come your way. Laugh with them, but it’s not good for you. A farmer who has a big cutlass may try to fell a big tree with it, or strike it against any stick; but pretty soon, he will

Having Faith African Proverbs

Having Faith African Proverbs Having faith African proverbs shows us that there is an all knowing being greater and wiser than ourselves.  Having faith African proverbs offers hope and confidence through unceasing unshakable faith. African proverbs are a rich source of wisdom and insight. They offer us a unique perspective on the world and our place in it. Many proverbs are about having faith showing us that there is an all-knowing being greater and wiser than ourselves.  Those that plan without the help of the spirit must plan again African proverb reminds us that we are not alone in the universe, and that there is a power greater than ourselves that we can trust.  There are many different ways to interpret this proverb. Some people might see it as a religious statement, while others might see it as a more general statement about the nature of the universe. However, I believe that this proverb can be interpreted in a way that is both religious and secular.  From a religious persp

15 Stats About New Year’s Day Black Eyed Peas Food Facts

Black-eyed peas and Collard Greens for luck and money. If you love in the South in The USA, there is one New Year traditions that you just cannot ignore; cooking black-eyed peas and collard greens for a wonderful year.  So why do the US Southerners eat black-eyed peas and greens to ring in the New Year?  The tradition spread after the Civil War. During General Sherman's march, the Union Army pillaged the Confederates' food supplies but left the peas and pork believing they were food for the animals and not for human consumption. The Southern soldiers thus felt lucky to have these supplies to get them through the cold winter. Black-eyed peas, dried significantly expand in volume when cooked and symbolize expanding good look throughout the year. Collard green are green and the color of U.S. money so when you eat collard greens on New Year’s Day you will have money all year long. There is evidence that people ate black-eyed peas for luck as early as 500 A.D. as a part of the J

All-Star African Fish Recipes

All-Star African Fish Recipes There Are Endless Fish Recipes in Africa There are endless fish recipes in Africa; our two favorite fish recipes, Fish Curry in a Hurry and Sierra Leone Fish Soup Recipe are ready in less than 20 minutes. West African Fish Curry in a Hurry Recipe Ingredients 1 pound firm white fish fillets, cut into medium pieces 2 cups of coconut milk 2 handfuls spinach 1 chopped tomato 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 ½ tablespoon good quality ground curry 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional) Salt and pepper to taste Directions In a large pot melt butter and sauté onions and garlic, add spices, tomatoes, and coconut milk stirring well. Add fish. Over medium heat and simmer 15 minutes. Add spinach simmer 3 minutes. Remove cinnamon stick and serve as a soup with bread or over rice. Sierra Leone Fish Soup Recipe Ingredients 2 handfuls fresh sorrel leaves, chopped 7 ounces any fish 2 tablespoons butter Ho

Learn Southern Africa Braai Vocabulary

Braai Dictionary The word braai is a South African Afrikaans language word pronounced BRY rhyming with why. Braai is popular in Southern Africa especially with people who live in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia.  Braai may have originated with the South African Afrikaner people, but has since been adopted by South Africans of many ethnic backgrounds.  An important distinction between a braai and a barbecue is that it’s fairly uncommon for a braai to use gas rather than an open flame. Women rarely braai at a social gathering, as this is normally the braai realm of men.   Learn Southern Africa Braai Vocabulary Braaivleis is the roasted meat.   Braai is barbecue or roast.   Vleis is the raw meat used to cook.   Braaier or Baas is the chef and the boss, person in charge.   Braaistand is the fire or grill.   Varkstert is a tool for turning meat.   Braai hi jacker is someone you don’t really want to invite but, you have too.   Braaimaster

What is Fair Trade Coffee and Why it is Important

What is Fair Trade Coffee in Africa What is Fair Trade Coffee and why it is Important Look for Fair Trade certified, Africa does not benefit from the processing and manufacturing portion of the coffee bean, only the agricultural. Fair Trade coffee and many other products help with the sustainable development of Africa by offering better trading conditions and securing the rights of farmers and workers around the world. Africa does not benefit from the processing and manufacturing portion of the coffee bean, only the agricultural. What is Fair Trade and how does it help the small family coffee growers and not endorse poverty and exploitation of poor agricultural coffee growing regions.   Fair Trade Coffee Is Important to Africans What is Fair Trade? Fair Trade certified products including coffee are part of a trading partnership that seeks greater equity in international trade. Africa particularly the Ethiopian Rift Valley is famous across the world for gro

Coconut Fish and Rice Banana Leaf Recipe

Banana leaves are used for cooking, wrapping and food serving in a wide range of cuisines in tropical and subtropical Africa. Banana leaves impart an aroma to food that is cooked in or served on them; steaming with banana leaves imparts a subtle sweet flavor and aroma to the dish. The leaves are not themselves eaten and are discarded after the food is eaten. Besides adding flavor, banana leaves are perfect for cooking cook fish, vegetables, rice or just about anything. Banana leaves are used for baking wrapped food in the same way you would use tin foil or parchment paper. It is important to know banana leaf packets should be placed in a baking dish so the juices don't drip to the bottom of your oven. Coconut Fish and Rice Banana Leaf Recipe Ingredients 4 small any fish fillet 2 cups any rice 4 ripe bananas, peeled, halved lengthways, then crossways ½ cup coconut milk ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon ground ginger ½ teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon ground red pepper 1 t

Ghanaian Abenkwan Seafood Stew Recipe

Abenkwan Ghana Seafood Stew Ghana Seafood Stew Abenkwan Ghana Seafood Stew Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture 12-16-2017 Africa Seafood Stew Recipe By Chic African Culture African food recipe Abenkwan is a classic easy-to-follow Seafood-Stew of Ghana. Abenkwan hearty traditional Ghanaian stew is easy to make filled with fish, shrimp, garden eggs and palm oil this traditional stew from Ghana is delicious. Abenkwan Ghana Seafood Stew Serves 4 Ghana food Total time from start to finish 35 minutes Ingredients 1 cup crab meat 3 tilapia fillet or any white fish 1 pound peeled and deveined shrimp ¼ cup palm oil (optional if you are palm oil free) 3 garden eggs (small eggplants) cut into quarters 2 cups onions, finely chopped 2 bell peppers, finely chopped 2 large tomatoes, diced 2 cups okra, chopped 2 bunches scallions, finely chopped 1 punch parsley, finely chopped 1 very hot pepper, chopp