15 Ways to Define Leadership Through African Proverbs

Leadership is a verb; a person who guides and directs maximizing the efforts of others towards the achievement of a goal. Our 15 ways to define leadership through African Proverbs teaches what leadership really is and what is needed to become a superior leader.

A king cannot reign without the support of the elders. - Burundian Proverb

15 Ways to Define Leadership Through African Proverbs

A large chair does not make a king. - Sudanese Proverb

The way a chief acts affects the entire village. - Ugandan Proverb

A king cannot reign without the support of the elders. - Burundian Proverb

Words of a good king do not lock all the doors; they leave the right door open. – Zambian Proverb

When there is peace in the country, the chief does not carry a shield. - Ugandan Proverb

The best words give no food. - Rwandan Tutsi Proverb

The wise chief does not eat from two sides. - Malawian Proverb

He who fears the sun will not become chief. - Ugandan Proverb

When a king has good counselors, his reign is peaceful. - Ghanaian Proverb

When you befriend a chief, remember that he sits on a rope. – Ugandan Proverb

A wild boar in place of a pig would ravish the town, and a slave made king would spare nobody. – Yoruba Proverb

Though the lion is lean, he can contend with a sheep. - Burundian Proverb

A subject less king is no king. - Zulu Proverb

Not all soldiers are kings. – Xhosa Proverb

The tree which is not taller than you, cannot shade you. - Wolof Proverb

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