
Showing posts from 2014

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

African Proverbs are fruit of philosophy grafted on the stem of experience

African proverbs have an important role culturally around the world with a significant Global influence on all people.  African people with their worldview have always been a future-oriented society with considerable influence around the globe. People who have never held political office or gave public speeches but are strong of character and intellect understand the use of African proverbs. African Proverbs are used to strengthen social and moral statements in debates, lectures and writings. The widespread wisdom of African proverbs have brought important social and moral messages to the people who struggle in their own skin. African Proverbs help people to cope with life and death matters by adding traditional common sense to a complex situation. They bring better hope and understanding of the true importance of life and at all times, African proverbs are significant signs of wisdom from the ancestors. Would it be a relief to know what comes next in life, to foresee the outcome bef

Umkhiwa Salted Figs with Honey Recipe

Figs are one of the world’s oldest trees and were held in such high regard by the Greeks that laws were once created to prevent their export. Fig trees grow from South Africa to Senegal and Egypt, Madagascar and the Union of Comoros.  Ficus sycomorus or fig tree goes by many names Mukuyu in the Shona language, Vyeboom in Afrikaans, Umkhiwa in Ndebele, شجرة التين in Arabic, and figueria in Portuguese.  As regards the Fig tree, the popular belief is that it was the tree Judas had hung himself.  The Fig tree never again bore fruit and that the Fig was the identical Fig tree cursed by God; and that all the wild Fig trees sprang from this accursed tree.  Interestedly, according to a Southern Italy tradition, Judas did not hang himself on a Fig but on a Tamarisk-tree called Vruca or Tamarix Africana. Vruca is now only a shrub, although formerly it was a noble tree; at the time of Judas’ suicide, it was cursed by God, and thereafter became a shrub that is ugly, misshapen, and useless. Umkhiw

Suffering in Silence It is the calm and silent water that drowns a man

Suffering in Silence African Proverbs Suffering in Silence African proverb People quietly drown only a few strokes away from help because of pride and fear. Silent people can be dangerous, suffering alone is dangerous, and despair is more destructive than physical illness. African proverbs express the timeless wisdom of African people. African proverbs teach us the smartest people have drowned in calm waters. Drowning in negative thoughts and emotions, the deepest waters have the smoothest surfaces but move very fast and are tumultuous on the underneath. It is the calm and silent water that drowns a man African proverb More quotes and wise sayings about pride Swallow your pride occasionally, it's non-fattening. - Unknown Be mindful of humility: the gale that breaks the pine does not bruise the violet. - Austin O'Malley A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle. - Benjamin Franklin It was not until late in life t

Wisdom with love from your ancestors

Don't put the key to happiness in someone else's pocket, wisdom with love African proverbs from your ancestors. African proverbs are popular short sayings created from ancestral insight handed down from generation to generation. Wise sayings in the language of proverbs have been passed down for generations in African culture. Simple advice for you: don't put the key to happiness in someone else's pocket.  What does that mean? It means that you should not depend on other people for your happiness. You should not let them control your emotions, your decisions, or your self-worth. You should not give them the power to make you happy or unhappy. Why? Because people are unpredictable. They can change, they can leave, they can hurt you. And if you rely on them for your happiness, you will be disappointed, betrayed, and miserable. You will be constantly chasing after their approval, their attention, and their love. You will be living for them, not for yourself. But if you ke

A goat in Ethiopia accidentally discovered coffee for the world

A goat in Ethiopia accidentally discovered coffee for the world Legend has it that Kaldi, a goat herder who lived in Ethiopia, accidentally discovered coffee. Coffee was accidentally discovered by a goat One day, Kaldi observed his herd of goats chewing on red cherries from a tree he had never noticed before, after which they became energized.   After trying them himself, Kaldi brought the cherries to a local monastery, where the monks tossed them in the fire as they disapproved of the idea of using the strange fruit.  Instead of burning the beans, it actually roasted them. Those roasted beans were used to create the first coffee. Coffee Beans Growing on a Small Farm Did you know? Ethiopia currently has an estimated population of 94 million people with 15 million or 16% of the population depends on coffee for their means of income. Coffee is Ethiopia's most important cash crop and largest export commodity.   In 2001, Ethiopia's Federal Cooperativ

Liberian Cassava Chip Fries Recipe

Liberia’s name means Land of the Free because it was founded by freed slaves from the United States. The food of Liberia is a fusion of African, Americo-Liberians and Congoes. Bong fries are a favorite in Liberian restaurants and bars. Seasoned cassava bong fries resemble potato chips and are eaten in the same manner. The food of Liberia is a fusion of cultures and bong fries are a favorite in Liberian restaurants and bars. Liberian Cassava Chip Fries Recipe African Recipes by African Gourmet   All you need are cassavas and vegetable oil to make this favorite Liberian cassava chips. For the best possible cassava chips, the slices of cassava need to be paper-thin.  Prep time: 30 min Cook time: 10 min Total time: 40 min Ingredients 2 fresh cassava roots Oil for deep-frying Salt to taste Directions In a large frying pan heat 2 cups of oil, peel the cassava, slice thin wash and dry. Fry in hot oil until a light brown and crisp. Drain the chips on

Daydreaming for a better Africa

Daydreaming for a better Africa Daydreaming helps expand new ideas developing better solutions for Africa. How does an idea come into being for a better Africa? Daydreaming produces ideas and ideas come before business innovation. Daydreaming keeps our minds active while helping us manage life and be creative. Africa's community of entrepreneurs is growing and new ideas and innovations are vital. Daydreaming produces ideas and ideas come before the business innovation. Daydreaming is so routine that we usually think little about it or how it affects us. The types are so varied that there is still no definition of daydreaming that researchers agree upon. However, what is agreed upon is daydreaming is an important, intriguing and necessary part of mental life.  This liberating idea of encouraging daydreaming is radical. However, creating designs and solutions for collaborating with other thinkers on how to make Africa self-reliant is not radical but essential

True Size of Africa Not The Distorted Mercator Projection

Africa is 11.68 million square miles or 30.22 million km2 and covers 20.4 percent of the total land area on Earth. Africa appears small in size on the map; why is that? Mexico, China, Eastern and Western Europe, India, The USA, and Japan can all comfortably fit into Africa's total land area. In reality, Africa is much larger than it appears on the typical Mercator projection maps.  Alternative map projections have been developed to address this issue, such as the Peters projection, which aims to provide a more accurate representation of land area sizes. These alternative projections attempt to minimize the distortions and present a more geographically faithful depiction of the Earth's land masses. How BIG is Africa The Mercator projection of 1569 was one of the first important navigation maps produced.  The map was created by Gerard Mercator, who was a Flemish mapmaker attempting to solve the problem of sailors navigat

Cameroon Lake Nyos Deadly Lake

Mt. Cameroon is about 4,095 meters in height last erupting in the year 2000. Mt. Cameroon is the most frequently active volcano in West Africa. Lake Nyos is a dangerous lake in Northwest Cameroon that tragically released a huge cloud of lethal carbon dioxide on August 21, 1986, killing 1,800 sleeping African villagers. Lake Nyos is a lethal carbon dioxide gas rich water-filled crater of a volcano. Lake Nyos is a naturally gas-rich lake. Cameroon Lake Nyos is a naturally gas-rich deadly lake. Read about the Cameroon Lake Nyos Carbon Dioxide Tragedy of 1986. The environmental disaster that occurred at Lake Nyos, Cameroon is one of the most destructive carbon dioxide natural disasters in modern times. This is due to Lake Nyos being a naturally gas-rich lake. Lake Nyos, Cameroon is one of the most destructive carbon dioxide natural disasters in modern times. It has been 28 years since the tragedy at Lake Nyos and the Cameroon Lake is still at dangerous Carbon Dioxide levels. The C

History of African Author Grace Emily Akinyi Ogot

One of Kenya's first black female pioneers of cultural empowerment, Kenyan African author Grace Emily Akinyi Ogot writes about the tensions between tribal customs and modern life.   Hon. Dr. Grace Emily Akinyi Ogot  All About Kenyan African Author Grace Emily Akinyi Ogot Grace Ogot place in Kenyan African Writing History Grace Emily Akinyi Ogot was born in Kenya's Central Nyanza district in 1930 to Christian parents. She began her career working as a nurse and midwife at Maseno Hospital and Makerere University College. Ogot then began working as a scriptwriter and broadcaster for the BBC.  Ogot made another career change as a community development officer in the Kisumu District Kenya. She also worked as a public relations officer for Air India. Ogot then made another career turnaround opening clothing boutiques in Kenya’s largest city of Nairobi. During this time period of many career changes as nurse, journalist,

Warm Pineapple Banana Couscous Breakfast Recipe

Couscous is a type of pasta made from semolina flour and water. It has a mild and nutty flavor that combines well with various ingredients and sauces. Couscous comes in different sizes and shapes, from tiny and irregular to large and round. The most common way to cook couscous is to boil it in water or broth, but it can also be toasted or steamed for more flavor and texture. Couscous is a staple food in many North African and Middle Eastern cuisines, and it can be served as a side dish, salad, or main course. Warm Pineapple Banana Couscous Breakfast Recipe Couscous is a neutral favored dish that combines just about every ingredient imaginable. No wonder it’s one of North Africa’s staple foods.  Prep time: 5 min Cook time: 10 Total time: 15 min A dish so nice they named it twice, Kuskus or Couscous, is actually pasta though it looks like rice. Kuskus is stocked in most grocery stores on the rice and pasta isles. Instant and non-instant varieties are available.  Ingredients 2 cups dr

Kenya's Samburu and Maasai Tribes Forcefully Evicted

Kenya Samburu and Maasai tribes had de facto ownership of Eland Downs Ranch by virtue of living on the land for generations. However, Eland Downs Ranch was legally privately owned by former Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi who sold the land for $4 million to conservation charities thus began the forceful evictions of Samburu and Maasai families from their ancestral lands. Which Is More Important, Kenya's Samburu and Maasai Tribes or the African Land The conflict over natural resources across Africa is a serious issue. The Samburu of Kisargei in Kenya were on the losing end of the 17,100 acres Laikipia National Park (formally known as Eland Downs Ranch) land ownership dispute with the Nature Conservancy, and the African Wildlife Foundation and the Kenya Wildlife Service. The Samburu were semi-nomadic pastoralists on the Eland Downs ranch. Cattle, as well as sheep, goats, and camels, are of utmost importance to the Samburu culture and way of life. The Samburu are extremely d

Slow Cooker African Mutton Stew Recipe

What is mutton you might ask? Mutton is a mature sheep; in a sheep's first year of life, it is called a lamb. Yes, mutton and lamb belong to the animal.   People in North America prepare far fewer mutton recipes than Africa, Asia or Europe; therefore, the term Mutton may seem a little strange. Slow Cooker African Mutton Stew Recipe African recipes by African Gourmet Learn how to make this simply delicious Slow Cooker African Mutton Stew recipe loaded with vegetables and slow-cooked flavor. Prep time: 15 min Cook time: 8 hours Total time: 8 hours 15 min Ingredients 3 pounds lamb or mutton stew meat 2 medium tomatoes, peeled and chopped 1 diced carrot 2 medium diced potatoes 1 cup mushrooms 1 cup onions, chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed 1/2 teaspoon thyme 2 teaspoons sea salt 1 bay leaf 2 cups of water Directions Place lamb or mutton and vegetables in a slow cooker. Mix salt, garlic, thyme, and bay leaf into water and pour over lamb and vegetab

South African Kudu Poop Spitting Sport

Spitting Poop Sports Bokdrol Spoeg or Kudu Dung Spitting is a sport practiced by the Afrikaners. There is a yearly competition held in South Africa for Bokdrol Spoeg. South African Kudu Poop Spitting Sport In Africa There are plenty of ordinary sports in the world, but sometimes you need to look at the not-so-ordinary such as Bokdrol Spoeg or Kudu Dung Spitting. When someone says they are a sports fan , it is presumed they enjoy watching or playing football, baseball, basketball, or other popular sports . Yet, many sports are out of the ordinary; the world is full of sporting events that most people consider odd but very popular. In fact, when ESPN began in 1979, the Slo-Pitch softball World Series game featuring the Kentucky Bourbons vs. the Milwaukee Schlitz was the highlight game of the week. Munster Hurling and Irish Cycling were also ESPN's opening weekend sporting events. Bokdrol Spoeg would have fit nicely in the early days of ESPN’s lineup. Bokdrol Spoeg, or Ku

South African Smothered Chicken Inyama Yenkukhu Recipe

The African Gourmet serves up this Smothered Chicken South African style recipe. Smothered Chicken or Inyama Yenkukhu is a classic South African dish. Simple delicious and made with love this South African dish goes well with South African yellow rice and raisins. Inyama Yenkukhu is a South African dish that is similar to Smothered Chicken and Gravy in the Southern United States. Smothered Chicken is a southern comfort food dish. This version of Inyama Yenkukhu uses the same ingredients as smothered chicken and is an easy tasty dish where the chicken is first lightly fried and then gravy is created. African recipes by African Gourmet Inyama Yenkukhu is a South African dish that is similar to Smothered Chicken and Gravy in the Southern United States. Prep time: 15 min Cook time: 30 min Total time: 45 min Ingredients 3 chicken thighs with skin 3 chicken legs with skin 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 medium onion, chopped 1 cup all-purpose flour Salt and pepper to t

Kola Nut Tree First Tree on Earth

The Igbo, a tribe in southeastern Nigeria, consider the Kola-nut tree to be the first tree on earth; the Kola-nut or Oji and Nzu or chalk has significant meaning to the Igbo.  The Igbo consider the Kola-nut to be a representation of friendliness and compassion.   Selling Kola-nut in the market Kola-nut tree The Kola-nut is a bitter caffeine-rich chestnut-sized fruit borne seed of a 20 feet high evergreen tree native to tropical Africa.  The Kola-nut is a rough, skinned fruit that grows up to 8" long.  Inside the pod is the actual kola seed is thin with a white flesh but bright red inside when the seeds are sliced. Kola trees are native to West Africa found from Togo to Angola, Liberia to Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal and Nigeria. The caffeine-containing seed smells a bit like rose petals. Kola nuts also have a reputation for treating headaches. By chewing the caffeine rich Kola-nut the caffeine is extracted, caffeine is considered as a cure for headaches.  The origina

Homemade Fiery Carrot Sambal Relish

Sambal is a spicy thick relish packed with a hot peppery flavor and seasoned vegetables. Sambal is made from various ingredients and may be fresh or cooked. It is commonly made from vegetables, chili's, and onions. Sambal is used similarly to salsa. Serve with any dish. Sambal is a spicy thick relish. Homemade Fiery Carrot Sambal Relish. Sambal is a spicy thick African relish recipe packed with a hot peppery flavor and seasoned vegetables. Prep time: 45 min Cook time: 3 hours Total time: 3 hours 45 min Homemade Fiery Carrot Sambal Relish Ingredients and Directions Ingredients 4 cups finely grated carrots 1 medium finely sliced onion 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 teaspoon minced ginger 1 teaspoon brown sugar 3 chopped hot chilies   Directions Toss carrots and onions with lemon juice and 1 teaspoon salt, let sit 1/2 hour, then squeeze with hands and discard any excess liquid. Combine with remaining ingredients and mix well. Allow sitt

What is Injera bread? What is Teff?

Teff is the tiny seed of a grass native to Ethiopia and Eritrea known as lovegrass. Teff is a grass, small-sized fine grain that grows mainly in Ethiopia and Eritrea.  What is Injera bread? What is Teff Flour? Injera bread is a flatbread traditionally eaten in the African countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Injera bread is thicker than a crepe but thinner than a pancake. In making Injera, teff flour is mixed with water and fermented over several days however, wheat flour or all-purpose flour can be used however, the taste and texture changes. Eating with Injera bread is stable in some African households in order to eat dishes of vegetables, meats, and stews. Injera bread is used in place of utensils using pieces of Injera to pick up bites of food. Injera bread is eaten daily in all most every Ethiopian and Eritrean household. The Ethiopian dish Spicy Red Lentils goes perfectly with injera. Teff is a grass, small-sized fine grain that grows mainly in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Th