Percentage of White people living in Africa

Largest white populace in Africa. The African country with the largest white population of European descent is South Africa with 7.8% of the total population of 56.5 million people, the second is Botswana with 7% of the total population of 2.3 million, third is Namibia with 6% of the total population of 2.6 million. Smallest white populace in Africa. There are seven African countries tied for the smallest number of whites living in Africa and they all begin with the letter S and Z, they are South Sudan, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Seychelles, Sao Tome and Principe, Zambia and Zimbabwe with .01% of the total population in each African country. Minorities in Africa. Race and ethnicity in Africa is complex because of the colonization of all 54 African countries except Ethiopia by white Europeans of the United Kingdom, Germany, Romans, Danish, the French, the Dutch, China and many others. The listing of white inhabitants on Africa’s mainland and Islands uses data from 2020 World Fact Boo...