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Which Countries Practice Female Genital Cutting

Which Countries Practice Female Genital Mutilation How many women have undergone female genital cutting FGC and female genital mutilation FGM. More than 200 million girls and women alive today have been cut in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where female genital mutilation is concentrated. While the exact number of girls and women. Worldwide who have undergone female genital mutilation remains unknown. In what countries does female genital cutting take place besides Africa?  Data collected in 2015 from household surveys show female genital mutilation exists in Yemen, Iraq, and Indonesia and in some places in South America such as Colombia, India, Malaysia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The practice is also found in pockets of Europe and in Australia and North America. In most of the countries, the majority of girls were cut after the age of five. In Yemen, 85 percent of girls experienced female genital mutilation within their first week o...

Hate African Quotes, Sayings and Proverbs

Hate African Quotes, Sayings and Proverbs One falsehood spoils a thousand truths. Hate African Quotes, Sayings and Proverbs Hate African proverbs communicate insight into wickedness and foolishness of hate. African proverbs quotes, and sayings touch the place in our heart of silent ancestors. Hate destroys but love builds. There is no medicine to cure hatred. Angry words are like a fist but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Curse has no cure. War ends nothing. The mouth is responsible for discord among people. Who dies inside has lost. Until one dies, others will not be satisfied. War is fear cloaked in courage. A chicken that lives among vultures will soon start smelling like one. One falsehood spoils a thousand truths. Once bitten by a snake he fears a rope. A healer of others, himself diseased.

Famous Waterfalls Across Africa

Kongou Falls in Gabon is the widest waterfall in Africa. Chutes Wagenia on the Lualaba River in the Democratic Republic of Congo tops the list by a huge margin as the largest waterfall in Africa as well as the world measured by average volume of flow. Tugela Falls located in the Drakensberg Dragon's Mountains of Royal Natal National Park in KwaZulu-Natal Province is 948 meters or 3,110 feet high and is the highest waterfall in Africa. Highest, widest, biggest waterfalls in Africa listings. Waterfalls frequently form in Africa where water rushes down steep hillsides and quickly erode soft rocks while leaving behind harder rocks. Running water erodes rock, but some rocks are more resistant than others to erosion. Waterfalls occur when a change in steepening of a gradient of rocks occur down steep hillsides.  The highest waterfall in Africa Tugela Falls located in the Drakensberg Dragon's Mountains of Royal Natal National Park in KwaZulu-Natal Province is 948 meters or 3...

Story of Ausar, Aset, and Heru

Story of Ausar, Aset, and Heru The story of Ausar, Aset, and Heru begins in Egypt. Some of the great works of ancient Egyptian art and architectural influences have served as a blueprint for monuments in the United States capital of Washington, D.C. The construction of these great Washington D.C. monuments are based off the Egyptian story of Ausar, Aset, and Heru. The Story of Ausar, Aset, and Heru Ausar was an early leader of Kush, and genius who developed the written word, agriculture, and theology. Armed with this knowledge, Ausar left Kush to spread his teachings along the Nile Valley and around the world.  On his teaching travels, he met a beautiful Nubian woman named Auset, whom he married shortly thereafter. Auset remained in her homeland while her husband continued in his travels as a teacher. Ausar gained fame and admiration throughout Kemet as a unifier, a man of order and virtue, and an exemplary scholar.  This fame provoked the envy and hatred of...

Best Friends Fall in Love with the Same Woman

After a fight over a beautiful woman, two young men will not condescend to take a pinch of snuff together on any account, although they have been the best of friends their entire lives. It is not until their quarrel has been settled and their tempers cooled down that they can begin to say, "Ngi ncwebise ugwai " or give me a pinch of snuff. Best Friends Fall in Love with the Same Woman African Tall Tale Folklore Story Two handsome young men, who had been friends ever since they were quite little fellas, fell in love with the same beautiful woman, who was the chief’s daughter kind and pleasant to everybody. These young men were inseparable; wherever the one went the other was sure to go. Whether it was to a hunt, beer drink, wedding, or dance they always went together. A certain chief took a liking to these two young men, for they were very cheerful and amusing, so he encouraged them to come to all his entertainments. One used to ornament himself with orange beads, the othe...

Too Tall and Too Fat for Love

Too tall and too fat for love African tall tale folklore story explores the evils and pleasures of two tall fat people in Southern African have with dating and love. African Elephant Love Folklore Story In Southern Africa among the Zulu clans, there is told the story of a man named Silwa who grew up so tall and fat he was banned from the village because he ate up all the crops from the fields and the clan was starving because of his gluttony. Silwa cried and wandered into the wilderness alone for many months until one day he met Mthwakazi, a beautiful woman who was also banished from her clan because no man wanted to marry her because she was too tall and too fat. Silwa began speaking to Mthwakazi so kindly and affectionately she agreed to stay with him and together they forged for food in the forest and fell in love. Mthwakazi gave birth to four sons, all very tall and strong, who became the ancestors of the mighty Zulu Ndlovu clan. Did you know? Ndlovu is a Zulu clan na...

In Africa the vast majority of babies are breastfed

A wise father encourages breastfeeding so his baby grows up to be strong, healthy, and intelligent. Sexualization of breasts today. Breasts in Africa; breasts are less eroticized in some rural African societies where women go topless than in urban societies where breasts are exploited in advertising and in pornography. Breasts are for feeding infants In Africa, the vast majority of babies are breastfed. Breasts in Africa; breasts are less eroticized. Breasts are for feeding infants but there is a counterproductive dogged issue as female breasts exposed for money. Breasts in the US are big business because sex sells. We see women’s breasts everywhere on television, at the movies, in magazines, on billboards. The addictive and harmful nature of porn is likely another reason why women’s breasts have become sexualized. According to the National Geographic Society’s official website, one of the magazine’s early milestones came...

In the land of Dagboro, there lived a skilled hunter named Lujamba

In the African hunter never returned folklore story; the hunter goes away promising to return but never does.   In the land of Dagboro, there lived a skilled hunter named Lujamba. He was renowned for his unmatched prowess in tracking and capturing game. Lujamba roamed the untamed lands, venturing across the Kei River on the Wild Coast, located in the Eastern Cape of South Africa.  Accompanying him on his adventures was Kwaziti, the revered ancestor of the late Paedite. Together, they formed a formidable duo. When Kwaziti acquired the dense, forested mountains of Amatolas from chief Pohho, they discovered that the area was infested with a large population of Bamogu, a tribe of people with a unique way of life.  These inhuman-looking Jilambe posed a challenge to their reign over the land. One fateful day, as Lujamba and his two young companions were hunting, they successfully captured an eland. Bursting with triumph, Lujamba proudly exclaimed, "Tsi! ha! ha! ha! ha! The w...

African Female Farmers Are Angry

There is a growing concern for the safety and protection of African women farmers who are facing challenges such as shady land purchases, and social, cultural, and legal barriers. Their anger towards these issues cannot be ignored, and it is essential to address and provide assistance to ensure their safety and well-being. Despite progress in gender equality worldwide, women are still largely excluded from farming roles. This inequality is a result of various social, cultural, and legal barriers that prevent women from participating in the financial aspects of farming. However, if women were given more opportunities to fund their own farms, especially in Africa, it could lead to greater rural prosperity and more balanced economic growth in the region. The agricultural sector has always been a crucial aspect of African life. Women farmers play a pivotal role in this industry, whether they cultivate crops for personal consumption or for commercial purposes. Globally, women are assigne...

What is Madagascar pink rice?

About Madagascar Pink Rice. Madagascar pink rice plantations are valuable because they bring needed money from pink rice production to the Malagasy people.  Pink rice production is important to the economy of Madagascar since rice is a staple in Africa and pink rice is a economic growth boom. Madagascar Pink Rice is produced near Madagascar’s large inland lake, Lake Alaotra. History of pink rice plantations in Madagascar. Rice forms the staple of most meals in Madagascar however, Madagascar rice economy is very fragile due to too much rain or not enough rain. Planting rice in Madagascar  What is Madagascar pink rice? Madagascar Pink Rice is a type of rice that is grown on the island of Madagascar, off the southeast coast of Africa. It is a medium-grain rice with a distinctive pink color that comes from the natural pigments in the rice bran. Madagascar Pink Rice has a nutty flavor and a slightly chewy texture, an...

African Studies

African Studies
African Culture and traditions