
Showing posts from May, 2018
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Shimla mirch ki sabzi is a timeless Indian recipe

South African Indian vegetable recipe Shimla mirch ki sabzi is made with eight fragrant spices. This South African Indian vegetable curry recipe will please everyone. South African Indian recipe Shimla mirch ki sabzi is a timeless Indian recipe made of green peppers, tomatoes, onions, potatoes and eight spices. This simple South African Indian curry food recipe is a staple dish in many Durban South African Indian homes. South African Indian Vegetable Curry Recipe. Ingredients 3 large green bell peppers, sliced fine 2 large potatoes, cooked and cubed 1 large onion, chopped 1 large tomato, diced 10 fresh coriander leaves 1 tablespoon ginger paste 1 tablespoon garlic paste 2 teaspoons ground turmeric 1 teaspoon red chili flakes or to taste 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon sea salt 2 tablespoons vegetable oil ½ cup water Directions Over medium high heat, add oil into a large frying pan, sauté onions, tomatoes, ginger, coriander leaves and...

Love African Proverbs

Love African Proverbs Love African Proverbs Love African Proverbs Love African proverbs translated into French, Creole, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese. Love African proverbs teach love is a variety of different feelings that each benefit from the relationship. Love African Proverbs Laughter is exterior, but love is in the heart. He who loves you, loves you with your dirt. Where there is love there is no darkness. Love attracts happiness; it brings near that which is far. Love and smoke are two things that cannot be concealed. Love has its reasons, which reasons it does not know. Do not throw your hook where there are no fish. Shelter your candle and it will give you light. A woman who lost her rival has no sorrow. If you love honey, fear not the bees. Aimez les proverbes africains Le rire est extérieur, mais l'amour est dans le cœur. Celui qui vous aime, vous aime avec votre saleté. Là où i...

Xhosa Tribe Made at Home Ingceke Sun Cream

South African Xhosa tribe traditionally make ingceke sun-cream, a mixture of water and clay to protect themselves from the sun's burning rays, and used as skin ointment to treat rashes and eczema.  Ingceke is a traditional broad-spectrum sunscreen that provides black Africans skin protection from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Sunscreen for African skin is essential in the unrelenting South African sun. Learn the use of Ingceke sunscreen cream made from the sausage tree. Ingceke is a traditional broad-spectrum sunscreen. The special sunscreen lotion for African skin made by the South African Xhosa tribe may look like paint for a traditional dance performance, but it is simply sunscreen. The white creamy sunscreen lotion for black South African skin is called ingceke. It is used as a sunscreen and skin ointment for protection and healing against the harsh South African sun and wind. In the Eastern Cape Province, conditions inland are usually drier and hotter, with a lower rainfal...

Bird King of Africa African Folklore

Short African Folklore Story Bird King of Africa African Folklore tells the story of the first and only meeting of African birds to choose their king. Tink is a tricky bird The birds of Africa wanted a king. Men have a king, so have animals, and why shouldn't they? All had assembled to choose a bird king to rule all of Africa. "The Ostrich, because he is the largest bid in Africa," one called out. They replied "No, he can't fly." "Eagle, on account of his strength." They replied "Not he, he cannot sing." "Vulture, because he can fly the highest." They replied "No, Vulture is too dirty, his odor is terrible." "Peacock, he is so beautiful." They replied "His feet are too ugly, and also his voice." "Owl, because he can see well." They replied "Not Owl, he is scared of the light." And so they got no further. Then on...

Explanation of Urbanized Food in Africa

In Africa, a large proportion of the population is still dependent on small-scale agriculture for food. How urbanized food and urbanization affects African farmers and ranchers? In regards to agriculture Africa’s rate of urbanization is the fastest in the world that can lead to increased inequality, poverty, and the explosion of slums and urbanized food. The lack of infrastructure in rural areas presents a major obstacle since without rural farmers, and communities, there is no food system. Increasing demand for food, and shrinking farming sector African diets are moving away from traditional staple crops to processed foods. As growth booms in African countries, urbanized food and Western food companies are aggressively expanding in Africa. Africa’s rate of urbanization is the fastest in the world, along with urbanization comes urbanized food. The world has urbanized rapidly in the past 60 years. In 1960, about 22 percent of its population, or 460 million people, lived in cities an...

Growing and Smoking Weed in Africa

Growing and Smoking Weed in Africa Cannabis is the most commonly used drug in Africa. Weed or Cannabis is also known as Dagga in Afrikaans, Umya in Xhosa, and Nsangu in Zulu. Cannabis is the most commonly used drug in the world and in Africa, it is big business. Current legislation in 2018 still prohibits the cultivation, possession and sell cannabis in South Africa.   The 2017 ruling that a person can grow and use medical cannabis in their own home has not yet come into effect, and therefore cannabis is still illegal in South Africa. However, not all African countries are following South Africa’s criminalization of weed. Zimbabwe in May 2018 legalized growing marijuana for medicinal and research purposes and is the second African country to do so, Lesotho became the African continent's first country to offer legal licenses to grow marijuana. Ghanaians are heavy consumers of marijuana, which is prohibited but widely tolerated. The highest levels of weed...

Nelson Mandela African Wise Proverbs and Motivating Quotes

Nelson Mandela African Wise Proverbs and Motivating Quotes Nelson Mandela African Wise Proverbs and Motivating Quotes Quotes by Nelson Mandela South Africa most famous anti-apartheid figure, political figure, husband and father. Nelson Mandela served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. Global icon Nelson Mandela was born July 18, 1918, in Mvezo, South Africa died December 5, 2013, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, South Africa. Inspiring Nelson-Mandela-Quotes Nelson Mandela brief biography of standing up to social  injustice Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela father was Hendry Mphakanyiswa of the Tembu Tribe his mother was Nonqaphi Nosekeni. Mandela was educated at University College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand where he studied law. He joined the African National Congress in 1944 and was engaged in resistance against the ruling National Party's apartheid policies after 1948. He went on trial for treason in 1956-1961 and was acquitted in 1961...

Homemade Sudanese African food

Homemade Sudanese African Food Cooking. Three rules for making Sudanese fermented Kisra bread, practice, patience, and preparation.  Kisra is a common fermented bread that look similar to crepes or flat bread. Kisra is a staple food made throughout Sudan and South Sudan. Slow-fermented Kisra bread has more nutrients, vitamins and minerals than regular bread because of the process of fermentation process easier to digest. Start cooking African food by making delicious homemade African food Sudanese Kisra fermented bread.   Serving eight, homemade African food Sudanese Kisra fermented bread recipe is easy to make.   Ingredients 1-cup wheat flour 2-3 cups water 1/4 cup plain yogurt Sesame oil for greasing the crepe pan   Directions Mix flour with 2-3 cups water into a thin consistency, similar to pancake mixture but slightly thinner. Add yogurt and mix well. Leave covered for 3 days to ferment in the fridge. Heat the pan and grease lightly with o...

History of Ebola Virus Outbreaks in Africa

History of Ebola Virus Outbreaks in Africa Africa is bracing for another outbreak of the deadly Ebola-virus. The Ebola-vaccine developed in record time has proved highly effective against the deadly virus in a large trial in Guinea where 12k died. On May 8, 2018, the Ministry of Health of The Democratic Republic of the Congo declared an outbreak of Ebola-virus in Bikoro Health Zone, Equateur Province. This is the ninth outbreak of Ebola-virus over the last four decades in the country. As of May 16, 2017, 45 Ebola cases were reported including 25 deaths, a fatality rate of 56 percent.   The Ebola outbreaks in Nigeria and Senegal were declared officially over in October 2014. Sierra Leone was declared free of Ebola on November 7, 2015, Guinea followed in December 2015. Liberia has been the worst hit, with more than 4,800 dead and 10,672 Ebola-infected.   During the peak of Ebola-transmission during August and September 2014, Liberia was reporting between 300 and 400 new ...

Beekeeping in Africa

Honey production in East Africa is dependent on small family beekeeping businesses using traditional beehives to make honey from African honeybees. Top five largest producer of honey in Africa. Ethiopia Tanzania Kenya Uganda Rwanda Beekeeping in Africa Beekeeping is an ancient tradition in Ethiopia, stretching back into the country’s early history between 3500 and 3000 B.C., according to some history books. Collecting and selling honey and other bee products produced in homes and home gardens are common throughout the country. One of its most unique and flavorful kinds of honey are produced in the northern part of Ethiopia high in the Mountains of Tigray. Ethiopian white honey develops its unique color and taste from a variety of native plants growing in the Tigray mountain region. White honey is growing scarce as bees abandon Ethiopian Tigray mountain region due to drought in the region.  Bees are traveling further distances in search of flowers to pollinate. Due t...

South African Smoked Fish Soup

South African Smoked Fish Soup Hearty main course South African soup made of smoked fish, plantains, chayotes, yams, hot peppers and spring onions serves eight.   South African smoked fish soup is quick, spicy, and easy to make with the full of flavor of fresh vegetables. South African Smoke Fish Soup Ingredients 4 tilapia fillets 2 teaspoons South African smoke seasoning blend 2 lemons, juice only 4 garlic cloves, crushed 1 large carrot, sliced into medium rounds 2 green bananas or plantains, peeled, sliced to 2cm/1in rounds 2 chayote, peeled, sliced into medium chunks 1 yam, peeled, sliced into medium chunks 1 hot pepper 6 spring onions, chopped Directions In a large bowl, mix seasonings with the lemon juice until dissolved. Bring 3 cups of water to the boil in a large saucepan and lemon juice marinade, garlic, carrot, green bananas, chayote, hot pepper and yam and simmer for 10 minutes, or until vegetables are slightly tender. Add fish fillets continue to simmer 5 mi...

The Fruit of African Horned-Melon Explained

A fully ripe African Horned-Melon has an orange rind with prominent spikes, is bitter tasting and native to Africa. The Fruit of African Horned-Melon Explained African horned melon grows in semiarid regions of southern and central Africa of the Kalahari Desert mostly in Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Nigeria. It was introduced to Australia 70 years ago and became a weed there. Native to Africa, the African horned cucumber also known as the African horned melon fruit appearances when ripe with various shades of yellow and Princeton orange on the outside and electric lime green with a jelly like flesh and a bitter taste.  The skin also sports porcupine like spikes over its surface making the fruit look like a prop on the set of a sci-fi movie. The ellipsoid fruit is bright yellow-reddish orange in color when mature and shaped like a short stout cucumber with many blunt thorns on its surface. These seeds are embedded in the middle layer, which i...

History behind three African cloth fabrics

African fabrics Kente cloth, Mud cloth, and Ndebele cloth pattern history and facts Deep information about Kente, Mud-cloth, Ndebele cloth patterns. Three of the most famous African-cloth designs are Kente-cloth, Mud-cloth, and Ndebele cloth pattern. African culture, particularly in the areas of dance, music and the fine arts has influenced cultures around the world for two millennia. African people are creative having a long history of unique cultural elegance valued around the world over.  The making and trading of African cloth have been vital elements in African culture. Through African cloth, we can understand not only African history but also its engagement with other parts of the world. African cloth can be used to address global issues and to express individual traditions of Africa. African cloth is unspoken language often providing a way of suggesting thoughts and feelings which may not or cannot be expressed in other ways.  These African cloths regularly mov...

African Studies

African Studies
African Culture and traditions