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Wise Words Your Ancestors Want You to Know Today

Communicate Effectively With The Ancestors Listen - Envision - Receive

Communicate Effectively With The Ancestors

Africans have long been speaking to the dead through spiritual communications.

Ebola survivors

To truly listen to the wisdom of our ancestors, it is essential to block out the outside world's distractions and remain fully present with an open heart and attentive mind. Only then can we receive their valuable messages.

Questions to ask your ancestors today on subjects such as:

Your Question: How did you find simplicity in your daily life?
Ancestor Answer: What seems easy at first is sometimes difficult to accomplish. 

Your Question: How did you navigate moments of solitude and find strength in being alone?
Ancestor Answer: Whoever isolates himself from the community selfishly enjoys his meals but suffers in case of a problem.

Self Love
Your Question: What practices or beliefs did you have that helped cultivate self-love and acceptance?
Ancestor Answer: Despite his blackness, the chimpanzee does not loathe his youth.

Your Question: How did you define and find satisfaction in your life experiences?
Ancestor Answer: There is no such thing as a worthless trade.

Your Question: How did you seek knowledge and foster intellectual growth throughout your life?
Ancestor Answer: When a clever person gets lost, it is another clever person who brings him back.

Your Question: How did you handle feelings of envy?
Ancestor Answer: Do not do harm to somebody for fear of suffering the worst one day.

Company You Keep
Your Question: How did you choose and surround yourself with people who uplifted and supported you?
Ancestor Answer: Two hyenas meet to either steal bananas or steal maize.

Count Your Blessings
Your Question: How did you cultivate gratitude and remind yourself of the blessings in your life?
Ancestor Answer: Never despair in life but continuously exercise patience.

Your Question: How did you build and maintain trust in relationships?
Ancestor Answer: The most dangerous enemy is the one you live with.

Your Question: How did you contribute to the harmony within our family?
Ancestor Answer: Those who do not agree cannot cook from the same pot.

Communicating effectively with the Ancestors is a necessary and vital part of every person’s life.

Africans have long been speaking to the dead through spiritual communications

As your communication walk with the ancestors begins, you must become a skilled communicator; to be effective, communications must be clearly understood.

How much thought have you given to communication with your ancestors? Strong communication skills with the ancestors promote self-awareness and community responsibility. You may think it is easy to communicate because you do it every day but communication skills are taken for granted in daily life.

Communication is complex and cannot be broken down into a simplified process. So how do you listen? When you only focus on yourself, you forgot how to listen and as a result, the chances for successful communication with the ancestors are poor. Listening is the basis for effective communication. 

Another strategy for effective communication with your ancestors is to make yourself feel at ease with talking to them. Speaking with your ancestors is not weird speaking with your ancestors is a connection with this world and the other world and letting your ancestors know you have not forgotten about them.

Try not to think about other things when you are speaking to the ancestors let the word naturally flow off your tongue separating your own ideas and thoughts from what the ancestors are telling you. Do not insert your own thoughts even if you disagree with your ancestor's messages. Listen to what your ancestors are saying not what you assumed they are going to say.

Accessing knowledge from our ancestors is crucial for our survival, just like food and water.

Concentrate on their message. You must decide to listen and concentrate on your ancestor while they are speaking. Concentrate on their point of view as there are essential components to their message and as you may not be face-to-face with the ancestor paying attention to facial expressions and other non-verbal clues for more insight into the message is impossible therefore you must actively listen to your ancestor's words. Listen without interruption. Like all other skills, listening skills with your ancestors will improve with practice.

The ancestors you are attempting to communicate with may have a different communication style other than your own. The ancestor may have been shy in life and has little words to offer but what they do say is powerful. Their primary language may not have been the language you speak. Different communication styles are more of a challenge because the greater the difference in the ancestor's communication style versus your style, the less likely the communication will be successful.

Habits are ingrained and second nature they can be either good or bad your communication habits will either enhance or detract from effective communication with the ancestors. Negative harmful ancestors who were negative and harmful and life my after passing has learned life lessons they could not grasp here on Earth, however, those lessons may not have been learned therefore this may be an ancestor you do not want to call upon for advice.

Information from the ancestors is critical to your life and just as important as food and water. Not only can their words mean the difference between life and death they can provide reassurance that they are on your side emotionally and will never leave you. Your passed way ancestors are a part of you and you are a part of them, speak to them every day.

Those who are far from the place where a drum is being played are the ones who catch its harmonious echo.
Those who are far from the place where a drum is being played

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