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Survive a Disaster with Survival Dry Biltong Meat

Survive a Disaster with Survival Dry Biltong Meat

One item a prepper’s food pantry must have to survive a catastrophe is South African biltong.

Preppers best-tasting survival food recipe, survive a disaster with survival dry biltong meat.

Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture

Biltong is traditional dried meat from Southern Africa however, biltong is not beef jerky. Biltong is substantially softer and thicker than jerky because it is air-dried whole for around 20 days and then cut into the desired amount.

The basic traditional drying method of meat is called sun drying, done by direct solar radiation and natural air circulation. 

Ingredients and Directions

In a clean area free from critters, dirt, sand, and litter, meat pieces are cut into thin .5 or 1 cm thick strips, dipped in a 14% table salt solution, and suspended in the open air or spread on drying trays made of wire mesh. The salt helps to limit microbial growth on the meat surfaces. You can add your own mix of dried spices such as garlic or chili powder mixed with the salt solution. The sun drying method can be done on relatively small pieces of meat in the course of one day, 8-10 hours drying time. Store meat in a sterilized sealed mason jar away from moisture in a dry place. Treat dehydrated meat as you would any canned meat after opening.

One item a prepper’s food pantry must have to survive a catastrophe is South African biltong. The basic traditional drying method of meat is called sun drying, done by direct solar radiation and natural air circulation.Did you know?
Preppers or survivalists are people who are actively preparing for emergencies, and who has prepared to survive in the anarchy of an anticipated breakdown of society.

Enjoy the best tasting survival food recipe, survive a disaster with survival dry biltong meat and try these other African food recipes.

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