African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Rich Wife Poor Wife African Short Story Folklore

Rich Wife Poor Wife African Short Story Folklore
While all marriages are susceptible to fraud, money in this African folklore is a hard-hitting lesson about deceit.
African Folklore story of rich wife and poor wife
African Folklore story rich wife and poor wife.

African Folklore story rich wife and poor wife teaches money does not always bring safety and happiness.

As the elders say, there were two girls whose father told them "You are now old enough to marry." 

Their hearts were glad when they received this permission, and soon they found two fine young men. The oldest sister became engaged to a poor man and the younger to a rich one.

One day the older sister paid a visit to her fiancé, and as he was poor, he could only give her fish to eat and a mat to lie on for a bed. But when the younger went to see her rich fiancé he killed a goat for her supper, gave her a fine bed with soft blankets, and in the morning killed a pig for her breakfast.  

The two sisters happened to meet at the crossroads, they asked each other what presents they had received, and when the younger sister saw the poor gift received by the older, she showed her presents with much vanity and laughed at her older sister for having such a poor fiancé. 

This occurred every time they visited their young men—the
younger sister laughed to scorn the poverty of the elder sister's suitor.

Soon the day of their marriages arrived, and the rich man gave a fat pig for the feast and sent his bride a piece of velvet, a piece of white cloth, and a piece of satin. The poor man could only send some chickens for the feast and give his bride one piece of ordinary cloth.

After the marriage celebrations were over the new wives went to live in the houses of their husbands.

Before many days had passed the younger bride committed a small mistake, and her husband in his anger cut off her ears. In a week, he was angry about some other small matter, he cut off her nose, and the next time she upset him with some small mistake he cut off her head. Thus, she did not live long to enjoy her fine things.

As for the poor husband, he said to his wife "It is not until death comes to me that we shall separate." Riches do not always bring with them happiness and contentment.

Remember the lesson learned from the African Folklore story rich wife and poor wife that money does not always bring safety and happiness.

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