African Folktale Selfish Takanda and the Flood
African Folktale Selfish Takanda and the Flood
Promises made promises broken
Selfish Takanda and the Flood African Folktale teaches through a story to always keep your promises.
Takanda the farmer and the rain God Mbona once made the following agreement; Whenever Takanda very much desired fine weather; he was to stand outside his house and call: “Pass! Pass!” and then the Mbona would roll away and allow the sun to shine.
When Takanda desired rain, he was to cry “Fall! Fall!” and the rain would pour down. In payment for this service, Takanda was to place on the ground each time 50 cowries.
was delighted with this arrangement, and at first, he faithfully placed the sum of
money on the ground every time he asked Mbona for fine or wet weather.
day, the occasion of a Chief’s wedding, the sky was very dark, and it seemed
likely to rain. Takanda heard the Chief complaining: “We have promised the
drummers a great deal of money, but if it rains nobody will come to see the
maidens dance at my wedding!”
went to the Chief and said, “If you will give me 200 cowries, I will pray to the clouds and there will be no rain.”
Chief readily agreed to pay the cowries Takanda demanded, and Takanda stood at
the back of his hut and cried to the clouds “Pass! Pass!” Mbona rolled back the
clouds, the sun shone brightly, and the wedding took place with much rejoicing.
However, Takanda did not lay any money on the ground, and instead, he kept the whole
amount for himself!
next day a man came to Takanda's house and offered him much money if he would
cause the rain to fall. “For,” he said, “my fishing-stakes are too high, but if
it rains the river will swell and the fish will come into my baskets.”
well,” replied Takanda. “I will say a prayer to the clouds, and the rain will
he stood at the back of his house, where he could not be seen, and cried to Mbona
“Fall! Fall!” It began to pour with rain.
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Selfish Takanda and the Flood African Folklore |
he neglected to lay money on the ground and kept it all for himself. Soon, in
this way, he grew rich and famous, and almost every day someone asked for fine
or rainy weather. He stored many bags of cowries in his house and gave nothing
to Mbona.
two people asked him for rain and sunshine on the same day, Takanda pretended
that he had grown tired of praying to the rain clouds, and so the
rain fell.
after some time, seeing how rich Takanda became, Mbona was angry and decided to
punish him.
day Takanda wished to set out on a journey with his family, so he stood outside
his house and cried, “Pass! Pass! Let the sunshine on my journey!”
as soon as he had set out, the Mbona rolled back the rain clouds again and rain
poured down in torrents, causing a great flood in which Takanda and all his family
were drowned.
Did you know
About Mbona Rainmaker
Rain fed agriculture
in Malawi is used to describe farming practices that rely on rainfall for
watering crops. Rain fed regions house the largest proportion of poor people in
Mbona Rainmaker worshipers in Africa sacred rainmaking ceremonies bring
relief in times of drought, floods, and troubles. Even though there is doubt
with modern scientists toward rainmaking ceremonies, the practice remains
popular in Malawi Africa.
A rainmaker is an important person in the African community,
performing rituals and wielding great power. The ancient art of rainmaking was once practiced all around the world.
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