Rainmakers Blessings in time of Drought in Malawi

Most of the African continent is semi-arid and prone extreme droughts; rainmakers are vital to the community. Rainmaking ceremonies were controlled by the Mbona Tribe Rainmakers are vital in Africa No rain, no food. Food, as far as it comes from plants, whether cultivated or wild, is withered by droughts and ruined by floods, humankind throughout the ages, by magic has sought to regulate rain tried to break droughts and arrest excessive rains. Rainfed agriculture in Malawi is used to describe farming practices that rely on rainfall for watering crops. Rainfed regions house the largest proportion of poor people in Malawi. Mbona Rainmaker worshipers in Africa sacred rainmaking ceremonies bring relief in times of drought, floods, and troubles. Even though there is doubt with modern scientists toward rainmaking ceremonies, the practice remains popular in Malawi Africa. A rainmaker is an important person in the African community, performing rituals and w...