
Showing posts from October, 2012

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Why Worms Are Blind, Elephants Have Small Eyes African Folklore

Why worms are blind, elephants have small eyes African Folklore is a unique animal folklore story for kids to learn about lending valuables to a friend. Explore the vast collection of folktales, myths, legends with Chic African Culture Why worms are blind, elephants have small eyes African Folklore. When Ambo was king of Calabar, the elephant was not only a very big animal, but he had eyes in proportion to his immense bulk. In those days’ men and animals were friends, and all mixed together quite freely. At regular intervals King Ambo used to give a feast, and the elephant used to eat more than anyone, although the hippopotamus used to do his best; however, not being as big as the elephant, although he was very fat, he was left a long way behind. As the elephant ate so much at these feasts, the tortoise, which was small but very cunning, made up his mind to put a stop to the elephant eating more than his fair share of the food. He therefore placed some dry kernels and shrimps,

Where Do Ostriches Live In Africa?

Ostriches live in portions of 25 African countries. The ostrich, Struthio camelus, is native to Africa and is the largest birds in the world. The first commercial ostrich farm was established in South Africa around the year 1860 to farm ostrich feathers, meat and hides. Hello ostrich world! The ostrich is an omnivore native to Africa and the largest birds in the world. Ostriches live in portions of 25 African countries. The chicks, a few days after being hatched, are covered with a thick and silky down, of a light-fawn color, with black stripes. The neck and head are similarly covered. The ostrich is native to Africa and is the largest birds in the world. When fully-grown stand Ostriches stand about 7 to 9 feet tall and can weigh 200 to 400 pounds. Female ostriches are brown and gray; males are black with white wings and tail feathers. As the world's largest bird, the ostrich lays the largest egg of any living bird, ho

Love Found and Love Lost African Short Story

Lonely Frog and His Beautiful Wife African Folklore Short Story Short Story of love found and love lost A lonely frog had some difficulty in finding a wife, at last, carved the trunk of a tree into the shape of a woman and placed cowry shells in the spot where her heart should be and this brought her to life.  Frog named her Ayo since she was very beautiful pledged his undying love to her daily.   Frog married her and they lived happily in his home deep in the forest, until one day in his absence, some of the chief's men happened to pass by and saw the beautiful Ayo working outside in the garden.  They asked for fire and water, which she gave them, and on their return told the chief about a beautiful woman living deep in the forest. The chief shortly afterward sent the men back to frogs’ house, and they, finding the husband again absent, carried Ayo off.  She cried out, "Husband! I am being taken away!" but there was none to hear, and when the husban

Baobab the Tree God planted upside-down

Baobab the Tree God planted upside-down anecdotes, myths, and legends.   Baobab the Tree God planted upside-down  Common names for the baobab tree are cream of tartar tree, monkey-bread tree, tabaldi, and mowana. Why is the baobab tree called the upside down tree? The gigantic trunk of the baobab tree leads upwards to branches resembling the roots of a tree, which is why it has often been referred to as the upside-down tree. The baobab is also known as the tree of life. It is also legendary for its gigantic size growing to more than 70 feet high and 35 feet in diameter, its canopy spreading to 235 feet. Baobab legend Baobabs provide food , water, shelter and belief water collected from the seeds, leaves, and roots relieve sickness. Baobab proverb “Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it.” Baobab myth Some African tribes believe if you drink water in which a baobabs’ seeds have been soaked you will be safe from crocodile attacks. Seven Bao

Why do people hate eating goat meat?

Why do people hate eating goat meat? Whatever the reason, everyone has some foods they just cannot or will not eat such as snails, anchovies or pigs feet.  Food preferences are nothing new because different cultures eat different foods due to food availability or particular taste. Before goat meat was found on the menu at every trendy restaurant, it was on the plate of African and Middle Eastern families for centuries.  Some people equate goat meat to eating sweet bread. Goat meat inspires a particular gag like reflex in people just from the idea of eating the meat. There is usually no issue on the texture of goat meat because the texture is similar to the texture of beef but with less fat. Most issues with eating goat meat come from the smell. Some people think goat meat smells disgusting and has absolutely no place in the kitchen, some people have never tried goat meat and because of the strong gamey scent will never overcome their olfactory senses and taste goat meat. Neverthele