
Showing posts from August, 2023

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Slave Trader Tippu Tip Was King Leopold II Choice for Governor

During the mid-1870s, Tippu Tip was widely recognized as the most dominant figure among the Zanzibari slave traders. It is worth noting that King Leopold II was highly interested in his leadership abilities and even sought to appoint him as the governor of the then-Congo Free State, which is now known as the Republic of Congo. Slave Trader Tippu Tip Was King Leopold II Choice for Governor Over the Congo Free State Tippu Tip, a renowned Zanzibari slave trader, was considered by King Leopold II to become the governor of the notorious Congo Free State. In the mid-1870s, the most notable figure in Zanzibari trading was Tippu Tip, also known as Hamed bin Muhammed el Murjebi. When he ventured into the Congo Free State, he established his headquarters in Kasongo. Tippu Tip held a position of immense wealth and influence throughout East and Central Africa. He commanded vast networks engaged in ivory, slave, and rubber trade, forming strategic alliances. During that period, the Congo Free State

Zulu Clan and Tribe Names with Meanings

A clan is biological members like a mother, father, brother, sister, and grandparents, and a tribe is like adding cousins, aunts, and uncles. Zulu Tribe and Clan Differences A clan is a close-knit family unit, a more focused family grouping, a tribe encompassing multiple clans, and a wider range of relationships. Tribes include people who may not necessarily share the same direct lineage but are connected through broader cultural, linguistic, or geographic ties. Tribes often inhabit larger territories and may consist of multiple villages or settlements.  A clan is a smaller social unit compared to a tribe. It is composed of families or individuals who share a common ancestor. Clans are organized around a common lineage or kinship, tracing their ancestry back to a particular forebear. Identity:  Clans provide a strong sense of identity and belonging for their members. Members often share a clan name izithakazelo and are connected through their lineage. Explaining the Use of Ama in Zulu

Lava and Glaciers of Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya is a volcanic mountain with fiery origins sporting shimmering blankets of ice and snow on its highest peaks.  Imagine exploring a volcano and stumbling upon glaciers instead of lava flows. Mount Kenya has a volcanic origin, formed through volcanic activity millions of years ago. It is part of the East African Rift system, a tectonic plate boundary where the African Plate splits into two separate plates. This rifting process has led to the formation of many volcanoes, including Mount Kenya. The glaciers on Mount Kenya are primarily located on its highest peaks, Batian and Nelion. Glaciers are found on mountains like Mount Kenya's Batian and Nelion peaks because of a mix of things like the weather, the land shape, and altitude. Even though Mount Kenya is close to the equator, the fact that it's very high up helps glaciers to exist there; however, climate change is affecting the retention of these African glaciers. Mount Kenya, due to its elevation, contributes to the

Mansa Musa the 500 Billon Dollar CEO

The Leadership of Mansa Musa and the Mali Empire in today’s wealth would equal around $500 Billion Dollars  The African kingdom of the Mali Empire, which reached its height during the 14th century, stood as a formidable entity comparable in size to the Roman Empire but richer and culturally and intellectually keener. Situated in the vibrant landscape of West Africa, the Mali Empire extended its reach across an expansive territory, encompassing regions that now form parts of modern-day Mali, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Niger, Mauritania, and Burkina Faso.  Envision being the head of a corporation valued at $500 billion, tasked with safeguarding the cultural and financial prosperity of its people. Mansa Musa excelled at his job and furthered the reign of the Mali empire. Mansa Musa Mansa Musa the Richest Man Who Ever Lived Turning our gaze to the richest man who ever lived in history in history, Mansa Musa, we uncover in paralleled narratives of impactful leadership that shaped the destiny

South African Realm of Red Wine

Terroir of South African Red Wines   Terroir is the combined influence of climate, soil, and geography on a wine's flavor and character. The terroir of South African red wines is a harmonious fusion of maritime climate, cooled by Atlantic and Indian Ocean breezes, and an array of soils, including granite, shale, and sandstone.  This amalgamation imparts a distinctive character to the wines, contributing to their rich flavors and unique expressions that have gained international acclaim.  South African red wines, led by Kanonkop Estate, offer diverse, quality expressions shaped by unique terroir. Rich history, exceptional flavors.  In the realm of wine, South African red wines, particularly those hailing from the esteemed Kanonkop Estate, occupy a place of distinction within the global vinicultural landscape.  Revered for their exceptional quality, diverse offerings, and distinctive character, these wines embody the culmination of a rich winemaking legacy intertwined with the nation

Drinking Fossil Water From The Nubian Aquifer

The Nubian Aquifer spans four African countries and covering 965,255 sq miles. The Nubian Aquifer, one of Africa's most significant water resources, with its immense size, spans over 965,255 square miles extending across four countries, Egypt, Chad, Libya, and Sudan; the aquifer serves as a lifeline for communities living in the Eastern Sahara Desert.   Fossil water, also called paleowater or ancient water, has undergone natural filtration and protection from modern contaminants for a considerable time, ranging from 66 to 145 million years ago. This prolonged confinement underground in aquifers has contributed to its purity and general safety for drinking. Water in the Eastern Sahara Desert is a precious and scarce resource due to the region's extreme aridity and limited rainfall. The Eastern Sahara Desert, also known as the Libyan Desert, is part of the larger Sahara Desert, the world's largest hot desert covering much of North Africa. The Eastern Sahara receives very litt

Colonial Unity of 1885

The 1885 Treaty of Berlin led to the establishment of rules between European colonial powers during the Scramble for Africa. Germany, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Russia had conflicts and disputes because they did not have agreed-upon rules for taking over new colonies during the Scramble for Africa. To solve this, they made the Treaty of Berlin in 1885, where European colonial nations joined forces and formed collective agreements. The Scramble for Africa was a term used to describe European colonial powers' rapid and aggressive expansion into Africa. The Scramble for Africa occurred roughly from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, from 1880s to 1914.  They were eager to get resources like land, minerals, and trade routes. This rush led to much competition and conflicts among the European powers as they tried to grab as much land as possible.  Key rules established in the 1885 Treaty of Berlin The treaty established the principle of effe

Pâté de Volaille Chicken Liver Pâté

Pâté de Volaille or Chicken Liver Pâté has French influence in former African colonies and introduced culinary traditions, ingredients, and techniques. The French influence on former African countries resulted from the colonial era, during which French settlers introduced their culinary traditions, ingredients, and cooking techniques to the local populations of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, and Côte d'Ivoire. Over time, a fusion of French and local culinary practices occurred, developing unique and diverse culinary styles in these countries.  Pâté comes in various forms and flavors, ranging from classic chicken liver pâté to duck liver pâté known as foie gras, as well as vegetarian versions made with mushrooms or lentils. Pâté is often seasoned with herbs and spices and sometimes fortified with alcohol like brandy or cognac. Depending on the recipe and personal preference, it can be served hot, warm, or chilled. Pâté is commonly spread on bread, crackers, or toast and enjoyed

Songho Mali Dreaming Folktale

The Mali African folktale is a message of hope in the bleakest hour. Mamadou and His Dreams Songho Mali Folktale. In the small town of Songho Mali, there lived a man named Mamadou. He was happily married to his wife, Fatima, and they were expecting their first child. However, tragedy struck when Fatima suddenly fell ill and passed away along with their unborn child.  Mamadou was devastated and mourned for weeks. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat, and all he did was cry and scream until he was exhausted. One night, Mamadou fell into a deep sleep and had a vivid dream. In his dream, he saw Fatima and their unborn son, who Fatima named Babak which means, the love of your father never dies.  They were both alive and well, and they were calling out to him. Mamadou woke up feeling overwhelmed with joy and hope. Every night after that, he went to sleep and dreamed of his wife and son. As time went on, Mamadou's friends and family noticed a change in him. He was no longer sad and

Spiritual Connection of Possession

Holy Ghost Possession and Bori Possession rituals induce altered states of consciousness from spirits that enter a willing body. The spiritual connection of possession is the spiritual link between Holy Ghost possession and West African Bori possession involving individuals acting as channels for spiritual manifestations. Possession Rituals in West Africa. The Bori tradition is an active spiritual practice originating from West Africa, particularly among the Hausa people. Essentially, Bori is a belief system that acknowledges the presence of spirits and their impact on human life. The Bori ceremony entails a group gathering where attendees sing, dance, drumming, and do other rhythmic activities while speaking in tongues, prophesying, healing, and experiencing miraculous occurrences. These rituals serve as a means to establish a connection with the Bori spirits. The spirits, such as Amina, Sarkin Bori, and Adama, are regarded as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms.

Getting Your Nails Done in Ancient Africa

Indigenous nail art practices from Africa include henna, beading, painting and plant and clay ancient African nail art designs. These manicures are not just nail art; they are living manifestations of a rich African culture painted with threads of heritage, pride, and artistic innovation.  The ingenuity of women shines as they artfully craft stunning nail designs, turning their nails into captivating canvases of beauty.  Clay Nail Art The mesmerizing world of indigenous nail art in Africa is a historic lesson on getting your nails done in ancient Africa. From the enchanting use of henna in the captivating North African landscapes to the spellbinding beaded nail art that graces the hands of those in East African regions to plant and clay natural nail art from Southern Africa. Henna or Mehndi Nail Art in North Africa Henna has been used for centuries in North Africa, particularly in countries like Morocco, Egypt, and Sudan. Intricate designs are created using henna paste, which is applie

Asteroids Fall To Earth: The Sahara Desert Asteroids

The Kamil Crater, a result of an asteroid's impact on Earth, lay hidden for 10,000 years before its discovery. Asteroids Desert Fall and the Kamil Crater Formation  The Kamil Crater, located in the Eastern Sahara Desert, was created by an iron asteroid impact thousands of years ago. Remarkably, this impact site remained hidden until 2008. The sheer force of the collision caused the ground at the impact point to vaporize, and molten material ejected at high speeds. Additionally, rocks in the area fused together, melted, and transformed into desert glass. Ancient asteroid's powerful impact, Kamil Crater When an asteroid enters the Earth's atmosphere, it travels at an extremely high speed, sometimes faster than a supersonic jet flying through the sky. As it comes into contact with the Earth's atmosphere, the air in front of the asteroid gets compressed, causing it to heat up and create a bright streak of light in the sky. This is what we see as a shooting star or a meteor.