
Showing posts from July, 2023

Cosplay Nubian Armor Making Techniques

Nubian leather armor is a great choice for cosplay; it’s easy to work with and can create various African warrior styles from Nubia.  Directions on how to make cosplay Nubian leather armor are below. The ancient Nubians used various natural and metal materials to make armor. The most common type of Nubian armor was made from leather; also used were metal, a mixture of metal and leather and woven plant fibers.  Nubian Armor-Making Techniques to make for cosplay. Armor played a pivotal role in Nubian warfare, enabling soldiers to safeguard themselves against adversary assaults and persevere on the battlefield. The most common type of Nubian armor was made from leather. The leather was usually thick and reinforced with metal or bone plates to provide protection against arrows and other weapons. Leather armor could be fashioned into various styles, such as a breastplate, greaves, or bracers.  Nubian scale armor was made by attaching overlapping metal or animal horn scales to a leather or c

Kind and Mean Bori Spirits Names and Descriptions

Bori is both a belief system in Hausa culture centered around kindly and nasty spirits known as jinn.  Bori Spirits is an animistic spirit in the Hausa culture of West Africa inhabiting natural objects, animals, and humans and can influence their fate and well-being. Bori Spirits can be benevolent or malevolent and can be appeased or controlled by rituals and offerings. There are many types of Bori Spirits, each with a different name, personality, and function. Some of the Bori Spirits are Sarkin Aljan King of the Jinn, Sarkin Ruwa King of the Water, Sarkin Bara King of the Wilderness, Sarkin Nufawa King of Madness, and many others. The number of Bori Spirits is not fixed, as new ones can emerge or old ones can disappear over time. Bori spirits take over the willing body of a spiritual leader, often a female priestess known as a Bori woman or Malamah. These leaders possess extensive knowledge of the Bori spirits, their attributes, and their associated rituals. The rituals are character

Mother Nature's VIP Section for Coffee Plants

Do you know why the coffee belt is so special? It's like Mother Nature's VIP section for coffee plants.   The coffee belt, aptly nicknamed Mother Nature's VIP section for coffee plants, encompasses the region between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, providing an optimal environment for coffee cultivation. Here, coffee plants lounge, basking in the warm tropical sun. The consistent and warm temperatures throughout the year ensure a perfect climate for their growth and development.  When the rains come, it's like a coffee spa day, rejuvenating and nourishing the plants as they become the rock stars of the botanical world, drawing the attention of coffee enthusiasts and caffeine aficionados worldwide.  The coffee belt in Africa is like the Earth's very own playground for coffee. It is located 23.5 degrees above and below the Equator. This area is known as the Tropics, specifically the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.  The Tropics Coffee Belt is a Dream

Ugly Spiders Create Beautiful Silk Webs

Don't worry there are no pics of the golden silk spider or any other spiders only admiring photos of beautiful golden silk spider webs in the article. The color of spider webs can change depending on the angle of sunlight, the time of day, and the presence of dust or debris caught in the web. The silk that spiders use to construct their webs is usually translucent or clear, which can appear white when it reflects light. However, for the Golden Silk Spider, the unique golden-yellow color of the spider's silk is attributed to the natural pigments present in the silk glands. Ugly Spiders Produce Beautiful Silk Webs While spiders may evoke a sense of creepiness for some, it's essential to recognize their vital role in our environment. Spider webs are awe-inspiring creations that serve a crucial purpose in nature. These intricate structures act as finely-tuned traps, capturing insects that may otherwise become pests in our surroundings.  Spiders preying on various insects help c

Landmines and Child Soldiers in the Angolan Civil War

During the 27 Year Long Angolan Civil War both the government and rebel groups used child soldiers to fight their battles. These children, some as young as 10 years old, were often abducted from their homes and communities and forced to fight in the conflict. The use of child soldiers in the Angolan Civil War had a profound impact on the children involved, as well as on the wider society.  Many of these children suffered from physical and psychological abuse, including exposure to violence and forced labor. They were also subjected to indoctrination and forced to commit atrocities, including killing civilians and other children. In addition to the use of child soldiers, the Angolan Civil War was also characterized by the widespread use of landmines.  Both sides in the conflict used landmines extensively, laying them in civilian areas, along roads and in fields, and in other strategic locations. The use of landmines had a devastating impact on the civilian population, with thousands

Rhyme to Remember Names of African Countries

Rhymes are a powerful tool for making information, like the names of African countries, enjoyable, engaging, and easier to remember. The enjoyable nature of rhymes leads to longer-lasting memory retention.  People tend to remember things that they find enjoyable, and rhymes can leave a lasting impression on the mind. Also, rhymes create a pleasant and melodious sound when spoken or sung. This auditory appeal captures our attention and makes the information more enjoyable to listen to, which can lead to better retention. A melodious and musical atmosphere creates a positive learning environment. For learners of any age, exposure to melodious sounds supports learning development. Rhymes help with phonemic awareness, rhythm, and pronunciation, which are essential to language learning. Memorizing the names of African countries through rhyming. Incorporating rhymes into the learning process is a time-tested and effective technique parents and educators use to make learning more enjoyable,

Lessons from a Pickled Egg African Folktale

The lesson in the African Folktale Lessons from a Pickled Egg is that unexpected transformations can lead to positive outcomes if we remain patient and persevere.  The egg had initially been disappointed and upset when it was transformed into a pickled egg, but it eventually learned to embrace its new form and appreciate the value it added to the soup. This reminds us that even if we experience setbacks or unexpected changes in life, we should remain open-minded and adaptable, and look for ways to turn the situation into an opportunity. It also highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating our own unique contributions and qualities, even if they may not fit conventional expectations or standards. Lessons from a Pickled Egg African Folktale. As the elders say, in the city of Accra, there lived a humble egg. This egg was like any other egg, until one day, it was chosen to be pickled. The egg was overjoyed, as it had heard tales of the delicious taste of pickled eggs and could

Ancient Stone Structures of Africa: Legacy Written in Stone

Stone structures are testament to the impressive intellect, organizational, engineering and architectural skills of ancient African civilizations. Ancient Africa is home to many impressive stone structures, but three that stand out are the Pyramids of Giza, the Great Zimbabwe ruins, and the Stone Circles of Senegambia.  The Pyramids of Giza are located in Egypt and were built over 4,500 years ago as tombs for pharaohs. These pyramids were constructed using massive blocks of limestone, and each pyramid is made up of several layers that decrease in size as they reach the top. The largest of the three pyramids, known as the Great Pyramid, is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and is believed to have taken over 20 years to build.  Ancient Stone Structure of Africa The Great Zimbabwe ruins are located in southern Africa and were built between the 11th and 15th centuries. This complex includes large stone structures, walls, and terraces that were constructed without the use of mor

Simple Holistic Farming Methods

Agroforestry is a simplistic harmonious blend of agriculture and forestry. Agroforestry is important; it helps farmers grow food and trees together that is good for the environment and people. Throughout Africa, people grow a lot of different things like corn, yams, cassava, peanuts, and bananas. Some farmers also raise animals like cows, chickens, and goats for milk, eggs, and meat.  Agroforestry is important for Africa because it helps farmers grow crops and trees together in a way that is good for both the environment and the people who live there. In many parts of Africa, people rely on farming to make a living, but the soil can be poor and the weather can be too windy, hot and dry, cold, rainy or unpredictable.  Agroforestry is a type of farming that combines the growing of trees with the growing of crops or raising of animals. It's a way of using the land more efficiently and sustainably, while also providing many benefits for the environment and people.   In agroforestry, fa

An Invisible Force Flows Through Us

Invisible currents surge through Mwezi and Kesi, electrifying their captivating tale of challenges and triumphs, weaving together science fiction, romance, and inspiration in their extraordinary ability to naturally conduct tremendous amounts of electricity, love, and understanding. Mwezi and Kesi An Invisible Force Flows Through Us, the Electric Love Story of Mwezi and Kesi Mwezi Electromagnetic Beginnings Mwezi lived in a small town cradled between the rushing rapids and calm waters of the Blue Nile River. From the moment he was born, it was evident that there was something extraordinary about him. While he appeared like any other child, he had an unusual trait: his body naturally conducted electricity at a force twenty times stronger than the average person. Though this ability fascinated some, it was a challenge that profoundly shaped Mwezi's life. As a child, Mwezi faced the daunting challenge of controlling his extraordinary power. Everyday tasks, like wearing metal buttons o