African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

The Quiet Strength Tofinu Folktale

The Quiet Strength Tofinu folktale teaches us that true wisdom and power come from listening and understanding others, rather than boasting or arguing.

Paul Robeson, storytelling, geometric art, bright and vibrant

The Quiet Strength Tofinu Folktale

In a time before written words, in a small village in Tofinu, there lived a wise old man who was known for his deep, resonant voice and his ability to tell stories that captivated all who heard them. His name was Jalano Erepos, and he was a man of great wisdom and compassion.

One day, the villagers gathered around Jalano Erepos to hear one of his famous tales. In his rich, sonorous voice, he began to tell the story of a young boy who lived in the village.

The boy was kind and brave, but he was also very curious. One day, he wandered into the forest, despite the warnings of the elders. In the forest, he encountered a group of animals who were arguing amongst themselves.

The boy listened as the animals debated and bickered, each one trying to prove that they were the wisest and most powerful creatures in the forest. But the boy knew that true wisdom and power came not from boasting or arguing, but from listening and understanding.

So he spoke up and shared his thoughts with the animals. They were surprised to hear such wisdom from one so young, and they began to listen to him with respect.

From that day on, the boy became known as a peacemaker and a wise leader. He helped the animals to resolve their conflicts and live in harmony with one another.

And so, Jalano Erepos’s tale taught the villagers that even the youngest among us can possess great wisdom and that true power comes from listening and understanding others.

As Jalano Erepos’s deep voice faded away, the villagers sat in silence, reflecting on the lesson they had learned. And they knew that they would always remember the wise words of Jalano Erepos.

Paul Robeson, storytelling, geometric art, bright and vibrant

Three lessons to learn from the Quiet Strength Tofinu Folktale story are:

True wisdom and power come from listening and understanding others, rather than boasting or arguing.

Even the youngest among us can possess great wisdom and make a positive impact on the world.

It is important to be a peacemaker and help others resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner.

These lessons teach us the value of empathy, humility, and compassion in our interactions with others.


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