African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Every Wrinkle is a Mark of Honor, Not of Shame

Toni finds it hard to accept aging as a natural process, making self-love and acceptance difficult.

Toni finds it difficult to practice self-love and acceptance because they haven't fully embraced the fact that aging is a natural part of life. It's crucial to recognize that their worth and value extend far beyond their physical appearance, as illustrated in the following story.

gender neutral person with wrinkles and age spots

Toni hated looking at themself in the mirror. They hated seeing the signs of aging on their face, the wrinkles, the sagging, the dullness. They hated feeling old and irrelevant like they had nothing to offer to the world anymore. They hated hearing people say that every wrinkle was a mark of honor, not of shame. They didn’t feel honored; they felt ashamed. They felt like they had wasted their life like they had missed their opportunities, like they had settled for less. They wished they could erase the wrinkles, erase the past, erase themself.

gender neutral person with wrinkles and age spots

For some individuals, it may be discouraging to learn that their wrinkles are not something to be ashamed of, but rather a symbol of honor. Rather than feeling a sense of pride, they may experience remorse for missed chances and accept less than they deserve. They may even aspire to eradicate their wrinkles and their history. The narrative of Every Wrinkle is a Mark of Honor, Not of Shame emphasizes that the splendor of aging lies not in one's hair, physique, or features, but in their capacity to adjust and evolve. When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.

gender neutral person with wrinkles and age spots

Story of Every Wrinkle is a Mark of Honor, Not of Shame.

They had always been afraid of getting older. They saw how time took its toll on their parents, friends, and lovers. They saw how the world changed and left them behind, how their dreams faded, and their hopes dwindled. They tried to stay young, keep up with the trends, care for their health, laugh, and have fun. But they knew it was inevitable. They knew they couldn’t stop the clock.

One morning, they woke up and felt a strange sensation in their chest. A tightness, a heaviness, a dread. They got up and walked to the bathroom, rubbing their eyes. They turned on the light and looked at themselves in the mirror. And they gasped.

They didn’t recognize the person staring back at them. They saw an old face, wrinkled and sagging, with dull eyes and thin lips. They saw gray hair, crow’s feet, and age spots. They saw a stranger.

They felt a surge of panic, grief, and anger. How did this happen? When did this happen? Where did they go wrong? They wanted to scream, to cry, to smash the mirror. They wanted to go back in time, be young again, and have another chance.

But then they stopped. They took a deep breath and calmed themselves down. They looked at the mirror again, more closely, more kindly. They saw beyond the surface, beyond the flaws. They saw their life, their story, their essence.

They saw the memories etched on their face, the joys and sorrows, the triumphs and failures, the love and loss. They saw the wisdom in their eyes, the courage in their lips, the grace in their hair. They saw the beauty in their age, the dignity in their presence, the legacy in their being.

They smiled at themselves and felt a warmth in their heart. They realized that getting older was not a curse but a privilege. That every day was a gift, not a burden. That every wrinkle was a mark of honor, not of shame.

They realized that they were not sad or old. They were happy and alive.

Help those struggling with aging by sharing this advice.

Encourage them to set new goals and aspirations that align with their current stage of life. This can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, allowing them to focus on exciting new opportunities and experiences.

Reach out to friends, family, or support groups to share their concerns and emotions about aging. Connecting with others who may be going through similar experiences can provide comfort and a sense of solidarity.

Motivate them to prioritize their physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and practicing self-care can help promote a positive mindset and overall vitality.

The challenges that come with aging are common to all human beings, regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity.

Struggles with aging transcend boundaries of gender, race, and ethnicity, as they are universal human experiences. The process of growing older affects us all, regardless of our background or identity. It is a journey that we all embark upon, facing similar challenges and questions about our changing bodies, evolving perspectives, and shifting roles in society.

Aging reminds us of our shared humanity, highlighting that the passing of time does not discriminate based on color, but touches every individual. It is a reminder that we are interconnected in this collective experience of navigating the complexities of growing older. Just as the sun rises and sets on people of all hues, so does the passage of time leave its mark on our lives.

Rather than being confined to any particular group, the struggles with aging unite us as humans, offering an opportunity for empathy, understanding, and solidarity. It is through embracing this shared journey that we can find strength in each other's stories, learn from diverse perspectives, and celebrate the richness of our collective wisdom.

African proverbs that highlight the benefits of growing older and wiser. In these proverbs, wrinkles are seen as a symbol of honor rather than shame.

  • An elderly person is like a strong tree, deeply rooted and full of life.
  • When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.
  • An old animal's scars tell stories of survival and resilience.
  • The beauty of an old person is in their gray hair.
  • A happy heart makes a face look beautiful.
  • Aged elephants walk with grace, their wrinkles reflecting their strength and wisdom.
  • The elder does not eat on the ground where they sat as a child.
  • The roots of a tree never ask the ground for permission to grow.
  • The path to wisdom is often found in the footsteps of the elderly.
  • Elders are the library of the village.
  • The aged tree provides shade and shelter for all who seek refuge.
  • The aged leopard hunts best.
  • The elderly person does not look for beauty in the mirror but in their heart.
  • The elderly are the crown of the family.
  • An old house is a treasure trove of stories, its walls echoing the laughter and tears of generations.
  • The shade of an old tree is a shelter for the community.
  • An old person who falls down has more experience of the ground.
  • A beautiful body fades, but wisdom never sags.
  • An old heart may be worn and wrinkled, but its capacity to love only grows stronger.

heart with wrinkles and age spots and flowers


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