African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Thoth, Egyptian god of Writing, Knowledge, and Balance

Thoth was a highly revered and important god in ancient Egyptian mythology, reflecting the importance of writing, knowledge, and balance in Egyptian culture.


In ancient Egyptian culture, Thoth held a position of great reverence and importance as a god of writing, knowledge, and balance.

Thoth is pronounced as tot with a silent h. Thoth was born from the union of the god Horus and the goddess Hathor. He was said to have emerged from their foreheads fully-formed and was immediately recognized as a powerful and important deity.

He held a position of great reverence in ancient Egyptian mythology, embodying the values and beliefs of the culture in which he existed. As the god of wisdom, writing, and knowledge, Thoth was seen as the ultimate scholar and intellect, revered for his vast understanding of the universe and its workings.

It was believed that Thoth was the creator god who brought the universe into existence through the power of his words and his intellect. According to this myth, Thoth spoke the words that created the world and all living beings. He also invented writing and the arts of magic, which were used to maintain order and balance in the world.

Thoth, as a man, is portrayed with the head of a bird called the ibis, that is a bird associated with wisdom and the moon, highlighting his connection to the divine and the ethereal. He was also known as the inventor of writing and the arts of magic, and was the keeper of the Akashic Records, a library of all knowledge and events that have occurred in the universe.

As the mediator between the gods and humans, Thoth played a crucial role in the religious beliefs of ancient Egyptians. He was responsible for maintaining balance and order in the world, and for ensuring that the will of the gods was carried out. Thoth was also closely associated with the concept of ma'at, the ancient Egyptian principle of cosmic order and balance, and was responsible for punishing those who violated it.

He was also believed to have healing powers and was often invoked in medical spells and rituals. He was considered a protector of the dead, guiding the souls of the deceased to the afterlife, and was often depicted in funerary art.

Thoth's connection to the moon was also significant in ancient Egyptian mythology, with the moon representing renewal and rebirth. Thoth was closely associated with the goddess Isis, who was believed to have a close relationship with him.

Thoth, Horus, and Hathor are deities associated with the pharaohs and the afterlife.

Thoth, as the god of wisdom, writing, and knowledge, played an important role in the judgement of the deceased in the afterlife. He was believed to record the deeds of the deceased and present them to the gods for judgement. Thoth was also responsible for providing the deceased with knowledge and guidance to help them navigate the afterlife.

Thoth, Horus, and Hathor formed a trinity of deities associated with the pharaohs and the afterlife. Thoth provided knowledge and guidance, Horus protected the pharaohs, and Hathor welcomed the souls of the deceased into the afterlife. The three deities were often depicted together in Egyptian art, emphasizing their close connection and their importance in Egyptian religious beliefs.

Thoth was a complex god, embodying the values and beliefs of ancient Egyptian culture. His legacy continues to be felt to this day, with the concept of the Akashic Records and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom remaining integral to many spiritual and esoteric traditions.

Thoth Keeper of the Library of Universal Soul Knowledge Akashic Records.

Akashic is pronounced as "uh-kash-ik" with the emphasis on the second syllable. The Akashic Records is a concept in spiritual and esoteric traditions that refers to a universal library of knowledge and information that contains the records of every soul's journey throughout time. The term Akashic comes from the Sanskrit word Akasha, which means ether or space. According to the belief, the Akashic Records exist on a non-physical plane of existence, and can be accessed by those who are able to tune in to their frequency.

The Akashic Records are believed to contain information about every soul's past, present, and future, as well as their karmic history, purpose, and destiny. It is said that every thought, word, and action that a person has ever had or done is recorded in the Akashic Records, and that this information can be accessed through meditation, intuition, or psychic means.

Thoth is believed to be the keeper of the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are said to contain a library of all knowledge and events that have occurred in the universe, including information about every soul's past, present, and future. 

Thoth, as the god of writing, knowledge, and wisdom, is believed to be the one who records and preserves this information in the Akashic Records. Additionally, Thoth's role as a mediator between the gods and humans and his association with balance and order in the world make him a fitting deity to be associated with the concept of the Akashic Records.

In ancient Egyptian culture, Thoth held a high level of importance among the ancient Egyptian gods. He was considered a major deity and was highly revered for his role in maintaining balance and order in the world, as well as for his association with knowledge, writing, and magic.


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