African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Family Love Over Material Possessions

The African folktale of Family Love Over Material Possessions teaches us the important lesson of the value of family unity and forgiveness. 

It reminds us that material possessions and personal desires should not be placed above family love and respect. We should honor the wishes of our loved ones, even after they have passed away. Through forgiveness and coming together in peace, the family was able to heal the rift and honor the memory of their beloved grandfather. 

Grandfather walking with his wooden walking stick

Family Love Over Material Possessions African Folktale.

In a time before written words in the bustling town of Grand Bassa Liberia there lived a revered and highly respected man named Wobe. He was a beloved grandfather to his grandson, Nwedru, and a caring father to his son, Krahn.

Wobe was known throughout the town as a wise man, a man of great character, and a man of honor. One day, Wobe passed away, leaving his family and the town in mourning. The family organized a grand, expensive funeral for Wobe to pay their last respects to him. 

The entire town came to mourn the loss of such a great man. However, amidst the tears and sorrow, Krahn was upset. Krahn felt that his mother, Sapo, should have given him Wobe's carved wooden walking-stick, which was made by the local chief of the tribe. 

The walking-stick was a special item that was only given to highly respected individuals in the town, and Wobe had been one of them. However, the grandfather had specifically instructed Sapo to give the walking-stick to his grandson, Nwedru. This decision by Sapo caused a rift between the family. 

Krahn felt that he had been slighted and was deeply hurt by the decision. He could not understand why his mother had not given him the walking-stick, especially since he was Wobe's son. As time went by, the rift between the family members grew deeper, and there seemed to be no hope for reconciliation. 

However, everything changed when Sapo fell ill and was on her deathbed. She pleaded with her family to put aside their differences and come together in peace and unity. She reminded them of the love and respect that Wobe had shown them all and how important it was for them to honor his memory by staying together as a family. 

 The family members were moved by Sapo's words, and they began to see things from a different perspective. They realized that the walking-stick was not the most important thing in their lives, and that what mattered most was the love and respect that they had for one another. 

With this realization, they came together, forgave one another, and promised to remain united in honor of Wobe's memory. In the end, the family members found peace and reconciliation, and they honored Wobe's memory by living their lives in harmony and love. 

The carved wooden walking-stick became a symbol of their love and respect for one another, and it remained with Nwedru as a reminder of the grandfather's wisdom and character. 

The town of Grand Bassa Liberia remained a place of peace and unity, and the memory of Wobe lived on in the hearts and minds of all who knew him.

Wooden walking stick

The lesson to be learned from this African folktale is that family unity and love are more important than material possessions, and we should always strive to forgive and come together in times of conflict or disagreement.


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