
Showing posts from November, 2021
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South African Flying Dutchman Legend

The Flying Dutchman legend was born in South Africa.  Fear of Dutch sea captains, Cape of Good Hope deadly currents and weather,  seamen superstitions help to spread the fear of the flying Dutchman. Before Spongebob Squarepants met the Flying Dutchman, in South Africa in 1689 on the Cape of Good Hope the legend of the Flying Dutchman began.  The Flying Dutchman is a legendary ghost ship that is said to be cursed to sail the seas forever without ever being able to make port.   The sea is its own kingdom full of supernatural beings, The Flying Dutchman legend was told and retold in South Africa and supernatural appearances are never explained away. The Flying Dutchman In Dutch, a West Germanic language, Der Fliegende Hollander translates to The Flying Dutchman. In the 1600’s, the Netherlands, England, Portugal, and Spain were four colonial superpowers vying for the riches of African trade routes, spices, slaves, gold and minerals. The Dutch from the Netherlands were e...

Legacy of Education and Social Change

Lovedale Missionary School Legacy of Education and Social Change. African journalism heavyweight Dr. Walter Rubusana was a Lovedale Missionary School superstar who paved the way for Nelson Mandela's political career.  Steven Biko, one of South Africa's most significant political activists was a student at the Lovedale Missionary School along with Nelson Mandela.  Tiyo Soga was South Africa’s first indigenous Black African to be ordained and work for the Presbyterian Church in 1857, he also attended Lovedale Missionary School. In 1824 Scottish Presbyterian missionaries John Bennie and John Ross of the Glasgow Missionary Society founded the city of Lovedale South Africa and later in 1841 the Lovedale Missionary School.  Lovedale Missionary School later changed names to Lovedale College, then Lovedale Public FET College in 2002.  In 1835 British Kaffraria governed by Lieutenant General Sir Benjamin D'Urban restricted the Xhosa tribe to specifically designated areas...

French and English Africa's Official Languages

The Lingua franca and official language of an African country does not reflect the language used by a people. Often most people in Africa do not read, write, speak, or have fluent listening comprehension skills in the Lingua franca or official language of a country. Vendor selling Hershey's ViVi peanut snack in Ghana.  Africa is made up of 54 multilingual countries but the Lingua Franca language of business, trade and education in Africa’s ten largest countries are French and English, not native African languages. In every African country many people are multilingual, fluent in a native language and dialect spoken at home and used in local trade at markets or small local businesses. Many people can understand a language but not speak it. More often than not the official language of an African country does not refer to the language used by a people. For example, French is the official language in Senegal but the majority of the population speaks the African languages of Wolof, Pular...

Tender Calf Head Stew Meat

Calf head meat is tender when slow cooked. Calf head meat is tender and delicious in a rich homemade beef broth simmered with Egusi seeds, fresh herbs, spices and root vegetables. Calf head meat refers to the meat that comes from the head of a young cow. It is a cut of meat typically found in specialty markets or butchers in the United States. The meat from the calf's head is typically tough and chewy, so it is often slow-cooked or braised to make it more tender.  Common ways to prepare calf head meat:  Head cheese:  This is a type of cold cut made from the meat, skin, and other parts of the calf's head. The meat is cooked and then molded into a loaf or a terrine and served cold.  Tacos de cabeza:  This is a Mexican dish that consists of calf head meat that has been slow-cooked and seasoned with spices like cumin and chili powder. The meat is then chopped and served in soft corn tortillas with cilantro, onion, and lime.  Boiled calf head:  In many Afr...

Continental Shelves of Africa

A continental shelf of a coastal State includes the seabed and subsoil of the land underlying the seawaters surrounding the coast to a drop-off point called the shelf break. From the break, the shelf descends toward the deep ocean floor in what is called the continental slope that descends to the abyssal plain. The comparatively easy to get to continental shelf is the most used and best understood part of the ocean floor. Continental shelves are an oasis in the ocean for plants and animals due to the abundance of sunlight, shallow waters, and nutrient packed soil deposits from rivers and lakes. The continental shelf extends beyond a States territorial sea, 12 nautical miles, throughout the continuity of the landmass to the outer edge of the continental margin. If the continental margin is very long, coastal countries can claim only 200 nautical miles from the territorial sea. Africa has 36 recognized coastal countries. A coastal State has sovereign rights and exclusive jurisdiction...

Man Eating Lions Stalked Human Prey for Nine Months

List of Known Victims Killed by the Insatiable African Tsavo Man-Eating Lions and How They Died.  Tent Lieutenant Ungan Singh was clasped by the throat and dragged off to be eaten by the lion. Intelligent African man-eating lions stopped at nothing and stalked human prey with the precision of a military operation. Tsavo devil lions killed and ate upwards of 135 railroad workers from March - December, 1898. These clever African man-eating lions stalked, terrorized and killed Indian and African railroad workers for nine months in British East Africa.  From March - December 1898, in an eight mile radius, the lions stopped at nothing and in fact stalked human prey with the precision of a military operation. The railway workers believed the lions were not animals, but devils in lions' shape and lived a charmed life. The first written account of African man-eating lions was written in The Field newspaper in the year 1899 written by Lieutenant Colonel John Henry Patterson, an engin...

African Studies

African Studies
African Culture and traditions