South African Flying Dutchman Legend

The Flying Dutchman legend was born in South Africa. Fear of Dutch sea captains, Cape of Good Hope deadly currents and weather, seamen superstitions help to spread the fear of the flying Dutchman. Before Spongebob Squarepants met the Flying Dutchman, in South Africa in 1689 on the Cape of Good Hope the legend of the Flying Dutchman began. The Flying Dutchman is a legendary ghost ship that is said to be cursed to sail the seas forever without ever being able to make port. The sea is its own kingdom full of supernatural beings, The Flying Dutchman legend was told and retold in South Africa and supernatural appearances are never explained away. The Flying Dutchman In Dutch, a West Germanic language, Der Fliegende Hollander translates to The Flying Dutchman. In the 1600’s, the Netherlands, England, Portugal, and Spain were four colonial superpowers vying for the riches of African trade routes, spices, slaves, gold and minerals. The Dutch from the Netherlands were e...