Teaching How to Pray African Folktale

Teaching How to Pray African Folklore Story. Animal folklore is an important part of African culture. An African Folktale is defined as a thought provoking classic story once only told orally among African people however in modern times with the advent of writing systems, the internet including social media the story is communicated in both written and oral forms. Teaching how to pray animal folklore stories appear in oral, social and print media for hundreds of years as many animal folklore stories have moral religious meaning as in the folklore tale Baboon Teaches Cheetah How to Pray. Baboon Teaches Cheetah How to Pray African Folktale Story. Baboon, it is said, was once chased by Cheetah, and became trapped. Baboon said to Cheetah, "Please, pray first before you kill me. Pray for me who feels forgotten and unseen and let me know that I am remembered and seen." Cheetah asked, "How do you pray? Tell me." "You hold your up hands flat together a...