Bodiless Skunk Proverb Sayings

Skunks have a stinky character and the stench from rotten human behavior has caused many tears to be shed. With African proverbs and sayings, understand why stink attitudes and stink behavior in the human spirit , and mind are places where people have invited in foul fairies. African sayings and proverbs have paved the way to victory to fight rotten human behavior. They also provide a safe haven for many people in challenging circumstances to develop and thrive, but challenging stink behavior does not always create a good experience as most of life lessons are learned through painful experiences. Bodiless Skunk Proverb Sayings. He pulls at a long rope who desires another’s death. Soon ripe, soon rotten. None so busy as those who do nothing. Bad watch often feeds the wolf. A bird that is caged will hate the one that is free. Jealousy is poison's brother. For the last-comer the bones. As you do to others, you may expect another to do to you. Nothing is got without pains bu...