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Bodiless Skunk Proverb Sayings

Skunks have a stinky character and the stench from rotten human behavior has caused many tears to be shed. With African proverbs and sayings, understand why stink attitudes and stink behavior in the human spirit , and mind are places where people have invited in foul fairies. African sayings and proverbs have paved the way to victory to fight rotten human behavior. They also provide a safe haven for many people in challenging circumstances to develop and thrive, but challenging stink behavior does not always create a good experience as most of life lessons are learned through painful experiences. Bodiless Skunk Proverb Sayings. He pulls at a long rope who desires another’s death. Soon ripe, soon rotten. None so busy as those who do nothing. Bad watch often feeds the wolf. A bird that is caged will hate the one that is free. Jealousy is poison's brother. For the last-comer the bones. As you do to others, you may expect another to do to you. Nothing is got without pains bu...

Master of the Tormented Fiddle

Folklore story from West Africa, the Master of the Tormented Fiddle teaches you cannot possess and control what you stole. Tormented Fiddle  Famine forced Deer one day to abandon his land and seek out much needed work in another part of the country with his cousin. When he had worked for quite a while, he wanted to return home, as payment for his cousins hospitality he gave him a fiddle and a bow and arrow and told him that with the bow and arrow, he could hit and kill anything he desired, and with the fiddle, he could force anything to dance. When Deer's cousin, Money was returning home after saying goodbye to his cousin, the first person he met was Wolf. Wolf told him all the gossip and news and that he had since early morning been attempting to stalk a buffalo, but all in vain. Then Monkey laid before him all the wonders of the bow and arrow that he carried on his back and assured him if he could but see the buffalo he would kill it for him. When Wolf showed him the buffalo...

Median age in Africa is 21 years old

Africa is old but young, the median age in Africa is 21 years old. Madagascar's median age is 20.3, the 35th youngest country in the world The average age of the world's population is 29.6 years with Niger being the youngest in the world at 14.8 years and Monaco on the French Riviera at 55.4 years old. Niger average age is 14.8, the youngest African country and the youngest country in the world. The African islands of Seychelles is the oldest African country with an average age of 36.8. Worlds top ten youngest countries Median Age Niger 14.8 Uganda 15.7 Angola 15.9 Mali 16 Chad 16.1 Democratic Republic of the Congo 16.7 Malawi 16.8 Zambia 16.8 Mozambique 17 Benin 17 ...

Africa lip plate culture explained

Everyone practices the art of lip stretching for many different reasons, such as beauty, rites of passage, and religious beliefs. Every body is beautiful. What are African lip plate sizes and how are lip plates put in . Lip stretching is when you gradually stretch out a pierced hole in your lip. There are two major ways to stretch lips, gradually and scalpelling. Gradually stretch the lips using different sized plug made of clay and wood normally a 1mm increase every four weeks. After the hole heals around the initial cut it is replaced by a slightly larger one and the process repeats its self until the desired size is achieved. Most African lip plates are the size of a small salad plate, 6 inches to a large dessert plate, 8.5 inches. Scalpelling procedures have a higher risk of infection because of the level of damage to the skin compared to ordinary piercing needles. Scalpelling is performed by using a scalpel to cut a slit into the skin, and flesh is removed. The procedure can...

Yasa Wot Fish Stew in Spicy Sauce

Filets of fresh white fish cooked in red onions combined with scorching spices, and niter kibbeh clarified butter. Ingredients for Yasa Wot Fish Stew in Spicy Sauce 4 fresh white fish fillets 2 large tomatoes, diced 2 red onions, finely chopped 2 teaspoons minced garlic ½ cup kibbeh clarified butter 1/2 cup ground dried spicy chilies 1/4 cup paprika 1 teaspoon ground powdered ginger 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon salt (optional) 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice 3 cups fish or vegetable stock Directions In a large pot, add seasonings, sauté onion and add the tomatoes, garlic in clarified butter. Sauté over high heat 2 minutes, add stock then fish, cover mixture and simmer 20 minutes. Serve with the homemade injera bread recipe below. About Injera Bread and an easy recipe. Injera pronounced ...

Purchasing With Direction

Purchasing Power Parity is a better way to buy goods and services throughout the world. Purchasing Power Parity exchange rates are used to ensure that a loaf of bread is priced equivalently across the world to equalize purchasing power. In Africa and throughout the world purchasing power parity is a formula for measuring prices in different localities. Prices of goods and services differ greatly across countries, it is important purchasing power parity exchange rates are constructed to ensure that the same quantity of goods and services are price equivalent across the world, price of a product in a foreign country can be very different from the same product in your own home town. In 1990, a group of independent researchers and the World Bank proposed to measure the world’s poor using the standards of the poorest countries in the World. They examined national poverty lines from some of the poorest countries in the world, and converted the lines to a common currency by using pu...

African Studies

African Studies
African Culture and traditions