African Food and Art

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Stupid Things African Proverbs About Stupid People

Read Stupid People Quotes and Proverbs by African People

Read Stupid People Quotes by African Ancestors

Read stupid people quotes African proverbs by African ancestors to understand the stupid people you are forced to be around in everyday life. Understand why stupid people think stupid to better understand stupidity through the insight of African proverbs.

Stupid Things African Proverbs About Stupid People

What is stupid? Stupid is a person that does not have oodles of intellect or resourcefulness going through life making choices that lack common sense. Stupid is a person with less than average mental intelligence.

Stupid Things African Proverbs About Stupid People

None so busy as those who do nothing.

Bad watch often feeds the wolf.

A buffalo that is tied up will hate the one that is free.

Jealousy is poison's brother.

For the last-comer the bones.

He does a good day’s work who rids himself of a fool.

Nothing is got without pains but a bad name.

Only the dumb dog chases a flying bird.

Rotten wood cannot be carved.

Sometimes you sow red beans and white beans grow.

Though you put oil on a dog's tail, it will never become straight.

Foolish men have foolish dreams.

One mangy sheep spoils the whole flock.

Don't trust the key of the hen house to the cat.

To wash a donkeys tail is loss of time and soap.

On a fool’s beard the barber learns to shave.

People are not the only creatures that can be stupid. Understand all you hear before you act. Leopard Boils his Mother’s Teeth African Folklore teaches not to literally believe everything a friend says.

Stupid Leopard Boils his Mother's Teeth African Folklore Short Story

As the elders say, one day a Gazelle bought some corn at the market, and while he was boiling them at home, the Leopard paid him a visit and asked him: "Sister Gazelle, what are you cooking on the stove?"

The Gazelle replied, "I am boiling my mother's teeth."

"Really!" exclaimed the Leopard "let me taste them." So the Gazelle gave him some of the cooked corn, and the Leopard thought the food so good that he went home and pulled out all his mother's teeth, and put them to boil on the stove.

The Gazelle, passing the house, called in, and seeing the pot on the fire, asked the Leopard what he was cooking. "I am cooking my mother's teeth, but they don't get soft," answered the Leopard.

The Gazelle laughingly said, "I meant corn, and you have pulled out and are boiling all your mother's teeth!" The Leopard was so angry at what he had foolishly done but before he could chase the Gazelle, it ran away laughing at the Leopard for his stupid thinking in mistaking corn for teeth.

Stupid Things African Proverbs About Stupid People

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