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African Proverbs about taking unnecessary risks

African Proverbs about taking unnecessary risks

African Proverbs about taking unnecessary risks

The English proverb a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush warns against taking unnecessary risks.

It is better to hold onto something one has than to risk losing it by trying to get something better. There are African proverbs that speak of foolish people. African Proverbs also warns against taking unnecessary risks.

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African Proverbs about taking unnecessary risks

African Proverbs about taking unnecessary risks

Do not bargain for a cut that is still hidden in a bag.
A chicken that lives among vultures will soon start smelling like one.
Distant water does not extinguish the fire.
African Proverbs about taking unnecessary risks
Although the grass looks even, there are paths in between.
Those who do bad things, also die in a bad ways.
A dog that chews bones does not chew a piece of metal.

African Proverbs about taking unnecessary risks

A cat does not trade in fried fish.
Do not throw the piece of yam after the goat.
What will small birds overlook the bigger ones will carry.
African Proverb

The person who is not patient cannot eat well-cooked dishes.
You do not stay in a river and then continue abusing the mouth of the crocodile.
Now that you know about African Proverbs about taking unnecessary risks, learn what makes an African proverb a classic African proverb.

What is an African Proverb

What is an African Proverb

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