
Showing posts from April, 2018

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Listen to Lies Folklore Story

Civet and Tortoise lost their friendship because they listen to lies tall tale story. When you listen to lies sour feelings hurt the character and reputation of others. The Listen to Lies African Folklore story is a sure way to wreck a true friendship. Listen to Lies Tall Tale Story The Tortoise and the Civet, although they lived in separate towns, had a good friendship. All the neighbors knew their kindness to one another, for they never refused to help one another in sickness and trouble. One day the Civet heard that her friend the Tortoise had given birth to a child, so at once she got ready to pay the usual visit. On arriving at the crossroad leading to her friend's town, she met a Monkey, who asked her where she was going. The Civet said, “I am going to visit my friend the Tortoise, who has given birth to a child." Monkey said, “Don’t you go, her child is very ill, and the doctor says that he must have the tip of your tail with which to make a

Amaranth Plant Cooking Directions

Amaranth Plant Cooking Directions Amarais a broad-leafed, bushy plant that grows about six feet tall. Amaranth is a plant used in herbal remedies that are found in your garden or in the wild and may provide a unique traditional health benefit reducing blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Amaranth plant is an important plant to the nutrition lives of Africans. Leaves and young plant stems are cooked like spinach and have a mild flavor and the seeds of the Amaranth plant are ground into flour. Amaranth produces a brightly colored flower that can contain up to 60,000 seeds. Also known as, Chinese spinach or callaloo in Caribbean cooking, amaranth is a green leafy vegetable and is widely grown across East, West and Southern Africa. Cook and serve amaranth leaves in a similar way to spinach or Swiss chard - boiled, steamed or fried. They only need brief cooking. Cooked Amaranth plant leaves are eaten as vegetables, soups, stews, and relishes. Easy Recipe Using the

Coded Languages of Adinkra Symbols

Coded Languages of Adinkra Symbols Adinkra symbols are coded pictures that relate to the history, beliefs, and philosophy of the Asante people. Adinkra symbols are well-known visual symbols that have a hidden meaning, deciphering. Adinkra symbols are the same as reading a sentence as long as you know what is the coded symbols truly mean. Dwennimmen ram's horns coded African Adinkra symbol of humility with strength West African Adinkra symbols represent ideas, proverbs, expressions, attitudes, and behavior depicted in the simply drawn figure, think of it as a way of writing in code. African Code Language, African Adinkra symbols are visual symbols that represent the joining of spoken and pictorial language. African Adinkra symbol Odenkyem is the crocodile symbolizing prudence and practicality. Nyame Nnwu Na Me Wu African Adinkra symbol is a symbol meaning God never dies; so I shall not die indicating there is an afterlife

Brinjal Curry Andhra Style

Brinjal Curry Andhra Style Brinjal Curry Andhra Style Brinjal and Eggplant are two different words that refer to the same fruit. Brinjal is used in countless South African Indian food recipes. South Africans of Indian descent largely live in and around KwaZulu-Natal's’ city of Durban, South Africa with a population of over one million. Brinjal Curry Eggplant Curry South African Indian food is widely known for its spicy and flavorful taste of curry. Brinjal Curry Andhra Style is a traditional vegetarian South African Indian recipe using a blend of Brinjal and eight spices. Brinjal Curry Andhra Style Ingredients 1   large eggplant , peeled and cut into dice size pieces 2 medium tomatoes, chopped 1 chopped hot pepper 2   tablespoons coconut oil 1   tablespoon chickpea flour 1/4    teaspoon turmeric powder 1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened 1 teaspoon ground ginger 2 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cumin Salt to taste

Sardines Recipes, Storing, Buyer's Guide and Interesting Facts

Think about fresh sardines, not canned making a healthy grilled fish recipe. Fresh African Sardines Recipes Sardines Buyer's Guide Sardines are best when cooked near where they are caught they do not travel well. Fresh sardines are very perishable and normal refrigerator temperatures of do not inhibit the enzymatic activity that causes them to spoil. They are available throughout the winter but are at their best in spring. If you are purchasing fresh sardines, look for ones that smell fresh, are firm to the touch, and have bright eyes and shiny skin. How to Store Fresh Sardines To store the fresh sardines, remove them from the store packaging, rinse them and place them in a plastic storage bag as soon as you bring them home from the market. Place in a large bowl and cover with ice cubes or ice packs to reduce the temperature of the fish. How to Clean Sardines for Cooking Fresh sardines are perfect for stews, grilling and barbecuing. Remove the scales by holding the fi

Easy South African Way To Cook Cabbage

South African cabbage recipe is a healthy mix of cabbage, corn meal and brown rice cooked in one pot. Easy African Way To Cook Cabbage. African recipes by The African Gourmet. Creative cabbage recipe of Umfino, a delicious traditional South African meal made of cornmeal, cabbage, spinach and onions cooked in one pot. Get new ideas for how to cook cabbage. Umfino Easy South African Cabbage Recipe. Prep time: 20 min Cook time: 30 min Total time: 50 min  Ingredients 1 medium shredded cabbage 4 handfuls of kale 2 chopped spring onions 3 cups vegetable broth 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup brown rice 1 cup corn meal Salt and pepper to taste Directions In a large saucepan add vegetables, butter and broth, cook for 10 minutes. Add corn meal and rice stir well cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, dish will be thick add broth if necessary. Serve warm. More economical easy lunch and dinner recipes to make right now so you never have to eat or prepare a boring

Pretend Kindness African-Folklore Story

Much of African ancient-folklore has succumbed to lost memories of a culture.  A desire to preserve, before African-Folklore is entirely forgotten, some of the traditional stories, is preserved not only in ancestral memory but also in writing.  African-folklore has attracted much and deserved worldwide attention. Iniko’s pretend kindness African-Folklore is a story about Iniko who pretend kindness and was really a gluttonous and selfish husband and father. Pretend Kindness African-Folklore Story Pretend Kindness African-Folklore Nuru asked her husband Iniko to attend to the food on the fire while she went to fetch water. On her return, she found her husband skimming off the stew from the top of the pot.  After he filled a calabash high with stew, he hid it inside the house. Nuru did not let him know that she had seen him and went into the house, poured the stew her husband took from the pot back into the stew pot. She then re

African Geography You Don’t Know

Africa is the second-largest continent covering nearly 1/5 of the total land surface on planet earth. The continent is surrounded on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, on the east by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and on the south by the circulating waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Africa measures about 5,000 miles or 8,000 km from north to south and about 4,600 miles or 7,400 km from east to west. The Equator cuts the continent almost equally in two so that most of Africa lies within the tropical region bounded on the north by the Tropic of Cancer and on the south by the Tropic of Capricorn.  Because of the bulge formed by western Africa, the more significant part of Africa’s territory lies north of the Equator. Africa is crossed from north to south by the prime meridian (0° longitude), which passes a short distance to the east of Accra, Ghana. Uncommon geography facts from each of Africa’s 54 countries Angola The province of Cabinda i

Nonprofits Creating Poverty in African Rainforests

Issue of Congo Basin Rainforest of Africa Nonprofits do much to help the African Rainforests but some make the problem worse in the Rainforest Congo Basin African country of Cameroon. Former US President Bill Clinton Palm Out Poverty campaign was to alleviate poverty and its associated issues, including inequalities in education and healthcare. All for Africa is a registered non-profit organization co-founded in 2008 by Bruce Wrobel, who was the chairperson and executive director before his death in December 2013 of suicide at the age of 56. Wrobel was also the chairperson and CEO of Herakles Farms a large agribusiness company. Sithe Global is an affiliate of Herakles Farms in the palm oil industry, which, in 2008, was incorporated in Ghana and Cameroon. Wrobel  along with the late Dr. Isisdore Timti was embroiled in controversies over his corruption and intimidation of local communities in Mundemba, Toko and Nguti to acquire their lands for an oil palm project. Palm oil is the worl

African Countries Names You're Saying Wrong

What is in a name? The power of a name and its value is immeasurable.  Ivory Coast name changed in 1986 to Cote d'Ivoire. Cabo Verde formally known as Cape Verde until 2013, Swaziland is eSwatini since 2018 and “The” officially belongs in front of Gambia since 1964.  African Countries Names You're Saying Wrong. African Countries Names You're Saying Wrong. Ivory Coast, Cabo Verde and Gambia.   Ivory Coast name changed in 1986 to Cote d'Ivoire Foreign overseas traders and exporters solely according to the business and trade economies roughly divided Africa into four coasts; Pepper Coast, Ivory Coast, Gold Coast and the Slave Coast.  The French named the Côte d'Ivoire literally means Ivory Coast. Côte d'Ivoire was unofficially known as Costa do Marfim by the Portuguese , côte des dents or the teeth coast and the Ivory Coast reflecting the trade in ivory.  The area that became the Ivory Coast on August 7, 1960 previously had been under French sovereignty. The stat

Complete list of 54 African National Anthems

The National Anthems of Africa are enchanting words of patriotism, poetry, and inspiration. List of 54 National Anthems of Africa meanings. Learn about 54 African national anthems. African national anthems praise Africa’s history, traditions, and struggles. African national anthems patriotic songs recognized officially by the African countries' official government.  All 54 African countries have national anthems. The current national anthems of all nations in Africa were adopted between 1960 and 2012. The National Anthems of Africa are an enchanting assortment of patriotism, poetry, and inspiration.  The list of 54 National Anthems of Africa has deep meanings in each anthem. Students from a township of Cape Town in South Africa sing the National Anthem of South Africa African National Anthems in Alphabetical Order Algeria Kassaman We Pledge adopted 1962; Zakariah wrote Kassaman as a poem while imprisoned in Algiers by

Fools Quotes and Sayings

If silence is good for the wise, how much better for fools. What is a fool?  A fool is a person who falls below the average human standard of intelligence, be it street smart or book smart and whose flaws have been transformed into a source of amusement or misery.   A fool can be a pest or buffoon and has always existed in the world. Would they agree if you go to a fool and ask if they are indeed a fool? For a fool known to be a fool who refuses the title is one of the ultimate mysteries of human life.   The fool is more often than not a real and very robust personality with little care for the next 10 minutes, let alone tomorrow. Unfortunately, or fortuity if you seek out news, fools do not confine their activities to family gatherings but make everyday life comic at the moment and on the spot, even in the political arena. The fool, in fact, is a shift-changer equally at home in the worlds of reality and imagination.   Fools as pests and buffoons abounded in life. Fools, real