African Food and Art

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Value of Eggs in African Cuisine

With fast food stands on every corner in Africa, eggs are a popular ingredient in countless African food recipes

The African street food omelette is meant to be eaten on the go making it a popular East African fast food. 

Also there are various types of eggs that come from different types of animals so your type of egg to use in your omelette recipe is not limited to chicken eggs.

African Egg Fast Food Veggie Omelet ingredients and directions.


4 large eggs
1 medium tomato, chopped
1 small zucchini, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
½ cup chopped green pepper
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon red pepper
1 tablespoon butter


In large bowl, beat the eggs well. Add remaining ingredients except butter and mix well. In a large warm skillet melt butter then pour egg mixture into skillet. 

Cook until puffed and lightly browned on the bottom then flip over and cook the other side. Carefully run a knife around edge of skillet to loosen omelet. 

Place one piece of chapati or any type of flatbread on top of the omelet and flip onto a serving plate. Roll the rolex until it resembles a burrito and enjoy.

Eggs in Africa.

Eggs in Africa.

Different types of eggs. 

There are various types of eggs that come from different types of animals:

Chicken eggs: 
These are the most common type of eggs and are widely consumed all over the world. Chicken eggs come in different sizes and colors, including white, brown, and speckled. 

Duck eggs: 
Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs and have a slightly richer flavor. They are commonly used in Asian cuisine and can be boiled, fried, or used in baking. 

Quail eggs: 
These eggs are much smaller than chicken eggs and have a delicate flavor. They are often used as a garnish or in appetizers. 

Goose eggs: 
These eggs are much larger than chicken eggs and have a richer flavor. They are often used in baking and can be boiled, fried, or used to make custards and puddings. 

Turkey eggs: 
Turkey eggs are larger than chicken eggs and have a richer flavor. They are less commonly consumed than other types of eggs but can be used in the same way as chicken eggs. 

Ostrich eggs:
Ostrich eggs are the largest of all eggs and can weigh up to 3 pounds. They are often boiled, fried, or used to make omelets

Emu eggs: 
Emu eggs are similar in size to ostrich eggs but have a darker shell. They are commonly used in Australian cuisine and can be used in the same way as ostrich eggs. 

The egg industry is fragmented within Africa. 

African Egg Importers Mozambique was the main importers of South African eggs during 2011. It commanded 84% of South African eggs during 2011 followed at a distance by Angola accounting for 10%. Zimbabwe dropped from being the greatest importer (45%) of South African eggs in 2010 to being the second least importer with a share of 5% during 2011. Kenya had a share of 1% in the export market of South African eggs.

Grading Eggs in Africa.

Eggs are differentiated according to the production systems as follows.

Organic Free Range
These eggs are produced by free-range hens that are fed on grains and pulses that are grown without pesticides, chemical fertilisers or any other genetically engineered products. 

Omega 3-enriched
Omega 3 fats, which are excellent for brain functioning, the immune and nervous systems and healthy hearts, are found in oily fish. The hens that lay these eggs are fed salmon oil as part of their diet. Omega 3-enriched eggs are not necessarily free range.

Free range
The chickens that lay these eggs are exposed to sunlight and grass pastures. They have room to scratch, flap and bath in the dust. Their diet is not necessarily vegetarian, it could include insects or fishmeal.

These eggs are produced by chickens that live inside, but are not kept in cages. Barn eggs are laid by chickens that are fed a vegetarian diet of grains and pulses. 

Grain fed
Grain-fed chickens don't eat commercial feed, which can include fish and chicken meal. These eggs are not free range, and not necessarily barn. The chickens may be kept in cages. 

These are the cheapest eggs to buy, and so make up the bulk of the eggs consumed in the country. The chickens are kept inside, in cages. They are fed with meal, which includes commercially farmed grains and pulses and processed fish and/or chicken meal. Electric lights are kept on much of the time to encourage the chickens to lay.


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