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Ten African Proverbs to Help You Unplug From a Bad Day

Unplug - Release - Free Yourself

Ten African Proverbs to Help You Unplug From a Bad Day

Feeling and hearing the African drum beat

Ten African Proverbs to calm your restless spirit when you are having a bad day. These 10 African proverbs will get through a bad day and come out the other side whole and spiritually well to put things into perspective, forget blame, and unplug. Remember you are a child of light, not darkness, you can turn around a bad day just as quickly as it started.

Unplug - Release - Free Yourself from a bad day ✴

Those who want rain must also accept the mud - Ghanaian proverb

Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors - Malawi proverb

Those who want peace make their own peace - Zambian proverb

If you think, you are too small to make a difference try sleeping in a room with an annoying Mosquito - African Proverb

The sun does not forget a village just because it is small - Mali proverb

However long the night, the dawn will break - African Proverb

The best bed a person can sleep on is peace - Somali proverb

A hand which gives receives in return - Yoruba proverb

Return to old watering holes for more than water; friends and dreams are there to meet you - African proverb

When things are done with, they are done with, do not retain to what has past – Kenyan Proverb

An open letter from your ancestors explaining 10 African proverbs to those having a bad day. Ten African Proverbs to calm your restless spirit when you are having a bad day.

As your ancestors want you to have the best day ever. We want you to have a day filled with love, support, and fulfillment. Our 10 African proverbs explain why you should follow our advice to get you through tough difficult times. 

We are not asking you to thank us for our unconditional love and support we only hope you will examine our 10 African proverbs and how they may help you. At the end of the day, we as your ancestors want you to feel love and support when you yourself do not feel as if you are worthy.

My dear child. Lately, you believe everyone's lives are better and brighter than yours you feel as if you are walking through mud. You can never make it on time to work. You do not get much sleep lately because you're thinking of all the things you did not do today. 

You just picked a fight with someone you loved for no reason. Whatever the cause whatever happened you are having a bad day. Your ancestors want you to know bad days happen to all of us but do not blame yourself or the bad day but take responsibility for how you react to the day. 

As your ancestors, we lived a long life and understand that if you believe things will get worse they will. You should not feel that way because your feelings are powerful, and will pull you in the direction of your thoughts. 

If you think negative, negative will happen if you think positive you can positively turn a bad day into a happy one. Stop beating yourself up for being normal. Pay attention to negative feelings creeping up on you slowly observe your feelings and acknowledge them but do not accept the negative ones. 

As your ancestors we understand you cannot pretend painful feelings do not exist you cannot wish them away you cannot will them away you cannot force them to not be true but you can control how you react to them. 

There is no benefit and making yourself miserable. Talk to your negative feelings when you are having a bad day and don’t sink deeper into the hole of darkness. We understand right now it may be a painful place to be and we are here with you we love you and we are going to make it through together.

 Remember our African Proverbs we taught you; those who want rain must accept the mud reminds us water can wash away the dirt in our lives however that water also mixes with the dirt and causes the mud that we all get stuck in sometimes. 

It is a part of life, rain is Life-Giving but the rain also makes the mud. Smooth Seas do not make skillful sailors is from your ancestors who sailed the Seas and understand that in order to learn from your mistakes you have to first make mistakes and mistakes are the best teachers in life. 

When everything is clear, sunny, and going well those are not your teachable moments. When the seas are rough and forbidding that the time you learn to stand up tall and strong and challenge the waves.

Your ancestors who were peacemakers in life went through difficult times because when you make war the world sees you as strong when you try to make peace, the world sees you as weak. Your peaceful ancestors understood those who want peace make their own peace inside of themselves first. 

Do not expect other people to come into your life and create peace and harmony if you yourself do not have the understanding of how to make peace and harmony within yourself. The same African ancestors borrowed a proverb if you think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping in the room with an annoying mosquito. 

Yes, peacemakers are small in numbers but have mighty inner and outer voices with a special connection to the spiritual world. The sun does not forget a village just because it is small. Happiness has not forgotten you. Peace has not forgotten you. 

Harmony has not forgotten you. As your ancestors, we want you to understand the sun is always shining, but sometimes it is obscured by dark clouds. When you are upset thinking the world is too big for you and everything is overwhelming Focus on that one Ray of sunlight peeking through the Dark Cloud. We understand it is the hardest thing to do but keep going. 

One day sunshine the next day its thunderstorms some days are partly cloudy but we cannot control the weather but focus on trusting the sun is always there bringing warmth and goodness in our lives. The African proverb we as your ancestors want you to focus on is however long the night the dawn will break. Bad times do not last forever, trust us, my child. T

he best bed a person can sleep on is peace. This may sound simple but it is not for a lot of people because being at peace is a state of mind that many do not think they are worthy of. Most people who make trouble and the lives of others are failures at their own peacemaking abilities within themselves. 

They are irritating unhappy and want everyone else to feel just as miserable as they do, this is a mental virus which affects the person their family, their friends, the community and the World At Large. Nothing fuels unhappiness like negativity. Complaining does not make you accountable for your feelings. 

The best bed a person can sleep on is peace, shoo negative people out of your lives, as your ancestors make this a hard-and-fast rule in life. The hand which gives receives in return for you have a giver spirit and when you give we all reap the benefit. 

You may not see the full and exact return in this world but in another world, you will see the return. The tree is known by its fruits and we the ancestors want you to know to be fruitful and everything that you do, for when you give, you are spreading the seeds of hope in this world and your ancestors are proud.

Realize that yesterday is gone and you cannot have yesterday back so how is worrying about yesterday going to make your today a good day. Redirect your mental energy elsewhere. The most important thing your ancestors want you to know is when things are done with they are done with do not retain to what happened in the past. - with love from your ancestors

When things are done with, they are done with, do not retain to what has past – Kenyan Proverb

Unplug - Release - Free Yourself from a bad day ✴

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