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Lies You Tell About Africa

Lies You Tell About Africa

Lies you have been told about Africa

Below are many lies about Africa and African people that are still believed to be true.

Lies about Africa and African people that are just simply untrue.

Handsome African business man

Lies You Tell About Africa

Sub Saharan Africa Does Not Exist

What exactly does 'sub-Sahara Africa' mean? According to the UN, Sub Saharan Africa consists of all African countries that are fully or partially located south of the Sahara. However, who gave the UN the right to divide the African geography, the African continent into two making one group of African people a sub group? Africa is Africa.

Nigerian-born Chika Onyeani, who is chairman of Celebrate Africa Foundation said in 2011“I believe that 'sub-Sahara Africa' is demeaning to Africa because Africa was always Africa during the time of Nkrumah (Kwame). Nobody referred to Africa as ‘sub-Saharan Africa,’ but it was due to the AIDS pandemic. That was when this term started being used to refer to black Africa as against Arab Africa,” he said. Onyeani said he and his group feel “sub-Saharan Africa” is a racist term that should be rejected by all Africans.

Many people in the African Union Commission, United Nations broadcasters, websites, news agencies, newspapers and governments, NGO’s, writers and academics to use the term sub-Saharan Africa to refer to all of Africa except Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya. The Celebrate Africa Foundation, which is leading the campaign, said the term is a euphemism to distinguish between these five Arab countries in northern Africa and the rest of the African continent.

Africa is Dangerous

Africa is a continent with revolutions, child soldiers, and stolen children making the news almost every day, it is no wonder the myth about Africa being a dangerous place is a common. "If it bleeds it leads" of course, as we all know bad news sells papers, therefore you do not get to hear about the good things that happen in Africa unless you seek the positive stories out on your own.

Given the size of the continent, it is not hard to see that there are many perfectly peaceful and safe places in Africa as well as places to avoid, just like any area across the world. There are people in every African country going to work every day, worshiping at church services, laughing with friends and family and watching their kids play soccer on the weekends.

Africa is Full of Diseases

Diseases takes millions of lives every year in Africa because the lack of access to childhood immunization programs and basic health care, not because the continent is infested with illnesses such as Ebola. Successful immunization programs have made huge strides in reducing polio and measles on the African continent, AIDS is prevalent all over the world not just in Africa.

Africa is Backwards, Everyone Walks Around Naked

The idea that technical innovation is lacking in Africa is laughable to anyone who has spent a little time there. Cell phones are in fact being used in hugely innovative ways throughout Africa.

Kenya has established a highly effective mobile banking system, opening up rural areas to credit in ways that has revolutionized small businesses. Africa's fashion today represents a blend of modern design and traditional African patterns with of vibrant colors.

Artists such as Kenyan-born Fiber Artist Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga, Keto Couture- Mrs. Kenny Okorie, Ghanaian Fashion Label Kaela-Kay. There are of course smart beautiful hot African fashion magazines like Zen Magazine, ARISE, New African Woman, FabAfriq and AfriPOP!.

There Are Wild Animals Roaming All Over Africa

Africa's wildlife is basically confined to national parks and reserves, including Nairobi's rhinos. Keeping what remains of Africa's wildlife safely in reserves and national parks also helps protect farmers from wildlife destroying crops and eating their cattle.

That's not to say you'll feel like you are driving around a large zoo when on safari, national parks and protected areas are often larger than many European countries.

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