African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Why Some Souls Are White and Others Black African Folktale

Black purifies with waters which are fit for sacrifice, pure, and divine. Why Some Souls Are White and Others Black is a West Africa Republic of the Congo African Folktale.

In many religious, philosophical and mythological traditions, the soul is the incorporeal essence of a living being.
Black purifies. 

Why Some Souls Are White and Others Black

It was in the beginning, and four men were walking through the woods and came upon two rivers. One river was of water, clear as crystal and of great clarity; the other was murky, frightful, and horrifying to the taste.

The four men were puzzled as to which river they should cross; for, whereas the dirty river seemed very difficult to pass, the clear river was easier to cross.  The men, after some discussion, thought that they should cross the black river, and two of them at once crossed it.

The other two, however, barely touched the black water and returned to the edge of the woods. The two men that had crossed the river called to their two companions urging them to cross, but in vain. They had already determined to leave their companions and to cross the clear white river.

However, after they crossed, they were surprised to find that they had become black; the two who had crossed the black river, however, were a white color.

The two parties now traveled in different directions and this is why some souls are white and some black.

Black purifies the body, mind and soul
African Folktale moral of the story

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