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Six African Proverbs About Life Advice

Life African Proverbs. Six Life Advice African Proverbs from the ancestors helped with the good things and bad things in life.

Tikar architect preparing materials for a house in Ngambe, Cameroon

Six African Proverbs About Life Advice

Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture

Life's best advice African proverbs have all the wisdom you need to do almost everything better. Here are six of Life's Best Advice African Proverbs from the ancestors to help with life’s growth and care.

Do not stand in a place of danger trusting in miracles. ~ African Proverb
Do not stand in a place of danger trusting in miracles. ~ African Proverb

If you spit laying down it will only come back in your mouth. ~ African Proverb
If you spit laying down it will only come back in your mouth. ~ African Proverb

Examine what is said, not who is speaking. ~ African Proverb
Examine what is said, not who is speaking. ~ African Proverb

A fool cannot undo the knot tied by a wise man. ~ African Proverb
A fool cannot undo the knot tied by a wise man. ~ African Proverb

A man profits more by the spectacle of a fool than by the speeches of the wise. ~ African Proverb
A man profits more by the spectacle of a fool than by the speeches of the wise. ~ African Proverb

One day in the life of a wise man is worth a fool's entire life. ~ African Proverb
One day in the life of a wise man is worth a fool's entire life. ~ African Proverb

African Proverb Based Learning.

Much of the information you need to know in life is giving to you through African proverbs. One of the main differences between learning from African Proverbs and learning from lectures you receive when you've done something wrong is African proverbs give you the ability to pause go back or slow down and learn independently and not feel judged.

Because African Proverbs is such a unique way to learn and such a crucial key to success, it is important to pay attention while reading African proverbs. While no one is going to stand behind the podium and read a PowerPoint to you or lead you through a discussion African Proverbs meanings are worked out by you through African proverb based learning.

It is best to connect with something you already know for effective learning therefore read and write down African Proverbs daily in your journal or notebook. When you come upon a difficult situation, you already have the necessary material in your head and on paper to work intelligently through the problem.

Reading African proverbs first and writing out a list of answers to questions will provide a foundation for new problem-solving techniques in your life. Stay engaged with African proverbs while learning put away your phone close your internet browser so you are not digitally distracted, multitasking and learning from African Proverbs simply do not work and it will keep you from getting the most from your African ancestors.

Truly learn from African Proverbs you must visit your notes often. Many of us soon after hearing or reading an African proverb that touched us at that moment simply leave it there. You must soon after hearing an African proverb that touched your soul investigate the answer to any questions or areas of confusion from the African proverb.

Reach out to your elders if you need more help or explanation. African Proverbs can help you reach your goals in life by helping you to understand effective and realistic life plans. Stay on track when you are learning from African proverbs as they provide you with a valuable resource.

If a particular African proverb you are studying does not make sense ask an elder for an explanation but while listening to the elder, writing should not be a priority, listening to the elder should take priority over taking notes. If you listen effectively, you will have a better understanding of the African proverb which will then help you write clearer notes that will make sense to you after your conversation has ended. 

Study and discuss Today's African Proverb Lessons

Do not stand in a place of danger trusting in miracles. ~ African Proverb 

If you spit laying down it will only come back in your mouth. ~ African Proverb

Examine what is said, not who is speaking. ~ African Proverb

A fool cannot undo the knot tied by a wise man. ~ African Proverb

A man profits more by the spectacle of a fool than by the speeches of the wise. ~ African Proverb

One day in the life of a wise man is worth a fool's entire life. ~ African Proverb

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