African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

3 best things to wish for African proverbs

If you had three wishes what would you wish for? To live forever? To give to the needy? Peace throughout the world?

Three best things to wish for African proverbs

To live a long time is to see much. - African proverb
This proverb means that the longer you live, the more experiences you will have and the more you will learn. It also suggests that wisdom comes with age. 

To give is to save. - African proverb
This proverb means that when you give to others, you are also giving to yourself. When you help others, you are not only making their lives better, but you are also making your own life richer and more fulfilling. 

Let us love each other with one heart. -African proverb
This proverb is a call for unity and compassion. It reminds us that we are all connected, and that we should treat each other with love and respect.

If you had three wishes from a Genie, what would you wish for? To live forever? To give to the needy? Peace throughout the world?
To live a long time is to see much. - African proverb

If you had three wishes from a Genie, what would you wish for? To live forever? To give to the needy? Peace throughout the world?
To give is to save. - African proverb

If you had three wishes from a Genie, what would you wish for? To live forever? To give to the needy? Peace throughout the world?
Let us love each other with one heart. - African proverb

More African proverbs and quotes about wishes.

To live a long time is to see much.

To give is to save.

Let us love each other with one heart.

Believe that you have it, and you have it.

A man of the world must seem to be what he wishes to be. - La Bruyère.

Be not angry that you cannot make others what you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself what you wish to be. - Thomas à Kempis.

He who wishes a thing done quickly and well, must do it himself.

Choose your wife as you wish your children to be.

He who has no wish to be happier is the happiest of men. - W. R. Alger

What God wishes and man wishes are two different things.

Despise anxiety and wishing, the past and the future.

If you wish to astonish the whole world, tell the simple truth. - Rahel.

He is rich who wishes no more than he has.

Even those who have no wish to kill another would like to have the power.

Every one rakes the fire under his own pot.

Few have all they need, none all they wish.

Happy is he who soon discovers the chasm that lies between his wishes and his powers. – Goethe

It is natural to a man to believe what he wishes to be true, and to believe it because he wishes it. - Schopenhauer. 

People love wishes because they represent hope, possibility, and a sense of control. 

When we make a wish, we are expressing our desires and dreams for the future. We are also taking a moment to focus on what we want, which can be a powerful and motivating force. 

Wishes can also represent our connection to something larger than ourselves. When we make a wish, we are acknowledging that there is something beyond our own control that can help us to achieve our goals. This can be a comforting thought, especially when we are facing challenges or obstacles.

Moreover, wishes are a source of joy and excitement. When we make a wish, we are opening ourselves up to the possibility of something wonderful happening. This can be a fun and playful way to experience the world. Wishes can be a powerful tool for self-expression and personal growth. They help us to focus on our dreams, to connect with our inner child, and to believe in the magic of the world.

More African Proverbs from the motherland.

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  2. What is an African Proverb
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